Free X-Acto Blade

Eric Ferguson

Sep 13, 2005
Saw at a freebie site an offering for an X-Acto Z series #11 blade. Not owning any X-Acto stuff, not quite sure what kind of blade this is. is the address to go to.

Zathros, if this is the wrong place to post this, please put it where it belongs. Thanks. Enjoy! Eric
Free X-Acto Blades!! This is as good as a place as any!

OOhh!! Z- series!!

Filled out and sent!
Got to admit, know nothing 'bout Xacto blades, but the way everyone reacts, this must be a good one. Glad you sent for one

Glad to give something back. You're all quite welcome!
Minor Update: (not to necro the thread but I have new information lol)

looks like the promotion to get a free blade has passed however they now have a contest to win 2 of everything in their designer series line of products. The idea being one to keep and one to give away.

they also have some show-and-tell thing going where you tell them about your project for a chance to have it show cased on their site

Enjoy :)
I did this whole procedure and I never got anything from them. I contacted them, and never got a reply. I was sort of bummed. Still use their product though. I think the sully their brand name with these promotions and botched promos. I have received some really good deals from Home Depot on their blades every now than then. Better than the deals Xacto offers!

I still think their blades overall are the best. IMHO :)