'Flattery' unfolding plugin for Google SketchUp


New Member
Nov 24, 2008
I wonder if anyone here has any experience of using 'Flattery', a free plugin for use with Google Sketchup. I tried it today with Sketchup (latest version 8.0.8411 in Windows XP with SP3) and every time I use the Unfold Faces tool, even on a simple cube, SketchUp crashes. A shame, really, because the plugin looks simple and useful. I have written to the developer about the problem and will post back when I get a reply, but any help that anyone here can give would be appreciated.

Perhaps Flattery only works with earlier versions of Sketchup, although the website doesn't seem to specify any version.

Flattery can be found here: http://www.pumpkinpirate.info/flattery/

Secondly, although I haven't tried it, I spotted another plugin, 'Waybe', which apparently does a similar job to Flattery. Although there is a demo version, it is a commercial plugin. Once again, does anyone here have any comments about Waybe?

Waybe is found here: http://waybe.weebly.com/index.html
I have now had the following back from the developers:
"Flattery works fine for me in SketchUp 8. Unfortunately, I really don't know how to track down why it's crashing for you. If the tool is showing up, that should mean that flattery is installed correctly, and I don't know what else could be going wrong."
Darn! Back to the drawing board! Must be something on my computer, but I don't know what ...........

So, if anyone has experienced a similar problem and can give some clues to overcoming it I would be grateful!
is it possible that you need to re-install sketchup?
or maybe we could try some popular I.T. soloutions-
have you tried Ctrl-Alt-Delete?
have you tried turning your computer off-and-on again?
buy a MAC! (lol)
i actually got that from ticked off i.t. staff guy...
I did reinstall, and I used the latest free version of SketchUp available. I eventually got it working (but cannot say how or why .....) but the Flattery plugin seems to be a bit unpredictable. I guess that is largely due to me, as many folk seem to cope absolutely fine with it, lol! :eek:ops:

Buy a Mac? I'd rather eat worms! announce1
Flattery works fine for me. I prefer Waybe, but I REALLY like Flattery's SVG export better than Waybe's export option.
