Engine shed


Registered Member
Dec 17, 2000
Nearly finished my Engine shed, however here is a shot of the completed (Not painted) shed and shed roof details. The actual roof has to have the slats down it yet and footboards added, but that’s when all painting is complete.



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Well, I was going to post a reply, but I seem to have been left speechless!
I know that I will only be more amazed by the finished result!
Keep 'em coming, old friend! :)
Okay, Shamus, level with us. Aren't you really 3 or 4 people. I mean you spend time redesigning and beautifully reworking your layout, designing and building wonderful scratch structures, and taking great photographs.

I mean even though you're retired, I cannot imagine how you do it all. Don't you require sleep, nourishment, or fresh air?
Hi All,
Thanks for the replies.

Okay, Shamus, level with us. Aren't you really 3 or 4 people. I mean you spend time redesigning and beautifully reworking your layout, designing and building wonderful scratch structures, and taking great photographs.

I mean even though you're retired, I cannot imagine how you do it all. Don't you require sleep, nourishment, or fresh air?[QUOTE[

I sleep 7 hours per day/Eat three meals per day/ and play Golf. in my spare time.
It's just that when I start something, I have to get on and finish it. I rekon on spending around 5 hours per day on the railroad.


Thanks again for sharing your work. We all are learning from your many projects. You are gifted in your skills and your enjoyment in sharing with the rest of us. Take care, Jim