Dr Theopolis 1:1 scale from Buck Rogers

I was driving to the ware house and I was driving myself crazy trying to remember the name of the little robot.. coming back home it finally hit me, "TWIKI".
wow had not thought about that show in years. I still love the starfighters. vipers still my fave.

If you are interested, you can find the Starfighter (Thunder Fighter) here: http://www.paperaviation.de/ Just look in the Sci-Fi section. You will find all three of the canon versions as well as the "David Jones Concept" Thunder Fighter and two fan based models.

Here are two threads that you may me interested in as well:
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Not yet. Unfortunately I haven't got any time to do it. However, the layout is complete, I only have to analyse the blinking pattern and do the test-build. It should be pretty straight-forward since all elements are there.
I would love to make this into an Alexa.

BTW, there were many different models in the series who had individual voices. There is no argument given that all these computers must have a male voice. Even Argus' autopilot had a female voice. One model may in fact sound like Alexa, who knows. You could say she was the ancestor of all these models. So you would only have to add a face to Alexa and connect the LEDs in a way that they blink in sync with her voice. ;)
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Boo, almost all the pictures are gone.
The pictures are back! :)

One thing I did not like was that the prints on the clear sheet came out very pale. I'll need to redo them but I have no idea how to increase the saturation of the print. In addition, the clear sheet was not water-clear but had a blue tint to it, so printing two versions and laminating them together would affect the overall look and make the face blue and hazy. I need the colours to look as strong and vivid like they had been printed on regular paper but with transparency where the usual white "flesh" is. It would be easier to use acrylic card and paint the pattern on with transparent colours but I think there MUST be a way to directly print the pattern from a PDF to a transparent sheet. Does anybody have an idea how to achieve that?
The pictures are back! :)

One thing I did not like was that the prints on the clear sheet came out very pale. I'll need to redo them but I have no idea how to increase the saturation of the print. In addition, the clear sheet was not water-clear but had a blue tint to it, so printing two versions and laminating them together would affect the overall look and make the face blue and hazy. I need the colours to look as strong and vivid like they had been printed on regular paper but with transparency where the usual white "flesh" is. It would be easier to use acrylic card and paint the pattern on with transparent colours but I think there MUST be a way to directly print the pattern from a PDF to a transparent sheet. Does anybody have an idea how to achieve that?

I was thinking that you could print out the images using one of those vinyl cutters or a Crikit, using the vinyl as a mask, place on clear acrylic sheets and paint with transparent paint. When done, peel off the vinyl.
I only have an inkjet printer. I'm looking for a technique any builder without special equipment is able to apply.
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For 1:1, my thought is to have PDF templates for use on tinted cellophane. Then the cut tinted cellophane parts are attached to the clear layers.

That's my 2 pfennigs.