Dr Tetrode's Valkyrie build.

A little work done tonight. Cut out and built 4 landing pads or the landing gear.

First a little bit of sub assembly dry fitting. I kind of want to know where I am.

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OK, on to the cutting. Inside cuts first.


Now we cut and glue the pads together.

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Some and total of the work done tonight.

Happy cutting!

Now moving on to the tail spars and wing supports.

Cutting doubled cardstock.

Score and fold, I used the plastic box top for a break, to fold the straight lines.

When dry fitting, the spar felt a little 'squishy' so I decided to add an 'anti-crush' device, paper bracing. ;-) I took a strip, as wide as the interior of the spar, when folded, and folded the strip into a box, with ends overlapping. I made two of these, to place where I thought they were needed. If someone, ahem, picks up this model, and is not careful, the spars could be crushed, during construction.
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Glued in the spar, after fitting.
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Gluing up and closing the spar.
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Finished the spar closure.

Now the decorative bits, grebals, I think everyone calls them.
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On the second spar, I shot the score and fold process, a little closer so you can see.
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To break the small flap, I used flat edged tweezers to fold the flap.

So, the spars are done, what next? Back to puzzling through the drawing and figuring out how to put this together.

Having fun!

Stay safe, happy cutting!

Scott ;-)
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Ok, now the horizontal stabilizer and tail / fins vertical / angled pieces..... I like how you cut out the panels and glue them on and get the grooves in the final piece.

Cutting out the parts and assembly of the horizontal stabilizer.

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Now the upper tail fins, cut and assemble. I use the plastic card, received in the mail, as a straight edge for cutting, it also helps hold the paper down as I cut and keep it from moving.

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Final for the top fins / tail pieces.

Cut and assemble the under tail / fins. I cut the main piece apart and glue, instead of folding, because I tried the fold, and it did not break at the line, even with creasing the paper.
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Final of the under tail / fins.

Now, should I assemble, before I do the wings or wait until I have them done before I start assembling? Not sure. I think I have to make some sort of jig to build the wings, to get the angles the same, on both sides. Gotta figure that one out first.

Happy cutting and gluing!

Now, should I assemble, before I do the wings or wait until I have them done before I start assembling? Not sure. I think I have to make some sort of jig to build the wings, to get the angles the same, on both sides. Gotta figure that one out first.

Jigs cannot hurt. I just don't remember exactly what I did for my Vulture, but the method would indeed be similar.
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I discovered, by using a protractor, that the angle on the wings is simply 45 degrees. I used the squares on the cutting mat to make sure that when I glued both of the outer wing pieces together that it was at a 45 degree angle, corner to corner on the cutting mat squares.

Gluing 2 layers together, being sure to not glue the outer wings, yet.

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Cut out and bending the nozzles, I used the shaft of the cotton swab to bend each side around and get a rounded shape.


Gluing the outer wings, with the all the clamps I can! Made sure that we had the correct angle before applying them.


More bending and shaping. Cut out the nozzle end pieces. Gluing the nozzle end pieces to the end of the wing. This gives me something to use to get the forming of the rest of the nozzle correct.

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Using foam and a ball end stylus to form the end of the nozzle that is 'supposed' to lie flat against the wings. Oh well, I got close.

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Wing assembly. Added more thickness to the brackets that seem to hold the wing on, wanted more gluing surface, when I assemble to fuselage.

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OK, now balance, I forgot that Sudsy said to put weight in the nose when I assembled the cockpit. Center of gravity is behind where the landing gear will go! Tail heavy! So, what to do? Ok, looks like a device, gun? Pido Tube? Sensor? goes on the nose, and it will cover a hole. Hmmm... Make a hole, grab some copper wire, and cut many short lengths and shove them in the hole. Ah ha!, balance has been achieved!


Now to assemble the gun? Pido Tube? Sensor? How do I get the small barrel part? Tried copper wire and got a bend. Not a roll. This did get me started.


Let's try an sewing machine needle and wind the paper around that. Yeah! It worked.


Slowly it goes.

Begin the assembly of the tail.


Found an issue with the width of the tail booms, too wide for the tail elevator. Hmmm....
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Pad the sides with 2 layers of card stock on each, by cutting a little strip and gluing and trimming that.

Now glue the elevatere in between the booms.
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Now, let's get the landing gear installed.


Oops, the middle one in too short, so, add a 4 layer card stock piece in the middle to lower it a bit. Now it sit level on the mat.

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Now it sits a little wonky, the right landing gear is one card stock thickness to short. So reprint on card stock, cut and glue it on the landing gear and we are now level.

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That's all the pictures I have for now. More sub-assembly attachments to come.

Engines glued on. Warning, do not attempt to glue sub-assemblies together, when they should line up, while under the lingering influence of anesthesia! I missed getting the engines the same distance in the front, and did not notice until the glue had really dried. ;-(

Test fitting.


Engine mounts installed.

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Glued up, final engine.
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It has been a journey! 11 months! I have had fun, and learned a LOT of new stuff. Not sure what is next, something small I think.

This seems to be an older version of the file, so things were not easy to see. I have a newer version, so may try that.

How is the documentation level? Too much, too little, too verbose, not enough words?

I did not coat the paper, so I am not going to try to paint / color this one. Lesson learned, must coat paper before cutting!

Keep having fun! Stay safe, and I will open another thread, when I decide what to build.

Scott ;-)
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I always feel it is important to post errors. "Trial and error, mostly error" certainly applies with Patoroch models as most of the time it is nothing more than a series of assembly drawings that beginners may be intimidated by. When we discuss our trials and errors, we help others avoid them on the same, or similar, projects.
I had a little fun assembling these.

FINAL builders photos.

I had fun building this, now to find the game shop owner of the nearby shop and gift him with a model! (I have no place safe to store this.)

Happy cutting and folding and gluing and ........

Scott ;-)
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