Dimorphodon card model by Strick67


Staff member
Aug 1, 2009
A few days ago DeviantArt member Strick67 released a model of the Dimorphodon:

(there is no preview icon; just click on the "download" tab ;))

Remarkable: This is the first model he has designed! The overall presentation looks very professional and the texture is great.

He says:

The entry requirements are pretty low, you'll need a printer and some card plus a few basic tools and materials. Basic page size is A4 (sorry non-ISO paper countries) which will make a 44cm wingspan model. Those with access to an A3 printer can scale up 141% for a 62cm monster.

If you know someone who might enjoy making this kit or you just dig what I'm doing, please inform, retweet, spread the word. I spent ages on this thing and now I want to share it!

So let's spread the word and have fun and enjoy - thank you, Strick! :)
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So let's spread the word and have fun and enjoy - thank you, Strick! :)

My thanks to you @Revell-Fan for posting his here and also thanks for bringing this interesting forum to my attention.

This is my first papercraft model and I wanted it to be free. It's entirely my own design and his based on pterosaur science. If anyone is interested in my design process there's a thread about it here on the dinotoyblog.

I'll certainly make time to look around, I'm here to be inspired and learn from the artists here. Hopefully I'll have some work to show here in the future.

Kind regards to all members
Strick67 (AKA Dinoreplicas)
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If it doesn't glide, it wouldn't take much to make it do so. ;)

The model's pose twists to the left which probably stops it from being flyable. As you say it's probably mod-able though.

The prototype (which was fairly straight, see photos) was actually a decent glider. The wing has a natural air-foil section carried over from the 3D sculpted version. I threw it around the room so much I pretty much destroyed it.

Bizarrely I kept getting a strong compulsion to draw ailerons on the darn thing! :)


Thank you @Strick67 Your model is now next on my build list. I like building models by designers on this group. Be on the look out for a build thread.

Thanks for that @micahrogers, a build thread would be really interesting to see and potentially useful for helping me design future models. I wasn't able to do one myself as I don't have ready access to a camera (I occasionally borrow my daughter's smartphone if I need to take a photo).

As a guide for how the finished model should look, I've put up a real-time 3D version of the papercraft on P3d.in. You can pan, zoom and generally spin the model around to see the final shape, tail bend, wing angles etc.

LMB = rotate / MMB = zoom (or shift-MMB) / RMB = pan
WebGL capable browser is required to view in 3D. Click here for link (or click screengrab).

It would be easy to make thehead swivel. Some wire in the tail, some in the feet, to act as small elevators. It's possible. ;)
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It would be easy to make thehead swivel. Some wire in the tail, some in the feet, to act as small elevators. It's possible. ;)

Go for it:D!
I do wonder though, how possible would it be to make a glider based on the model? Kinda like those cheap and simple foam aeroplanes we had in toy shops as kids. You know the ones- a flat fuselage with flat flying surfaces slotted into them. I know nothing about making models for flight but I might give it a go someday.
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An idea I had the other day is to do a blank (un-textured) version as an alternative to the pre-coloured dimorphodon.

This would be for any maker who'd prefer to add their own colour design. It wouldn't require loads of work on my part to mod the original, mostly a matter of deleting the texture images, maybe lightly indicating the position of a few details (eye, mouth, claws).

Of course anyone building the un-textured version would have to manually colour it up, art markers, coloured pencils and watercolours seem decent choices for this.

It occurs to me that paper modelling is kind of a collaboration between designer and maker. An un-textured version could be a way to give a bit more creativity to the maker, so they can express their own ideas about how Dimorphodon might have looked.

Anyway it's a thought, let me know if anyone thinks this is worth doing.
It could be. If you put in the work, someone will download it. It would make a good "mule' for making a glider, then printing the colors on very thin paper and laminating them to the flying glider. ;)
Making a white version is pretty easy. Just import the parts pages into InkScape and uncheck "embed all images"


You'll get a page without the graphics.


Some lines must be redrawn though but that's just a matter of patience.

Turning the model into a glider is a bit trickier. The model as it is now is not symmetrical. So I guess if someone throws it it will fly in circles. That would require a new unfold, however, you would only have to re-model one side and then mirror the result. ;)
Making a white version is pretty easy. Just import the parts pages into InkScape and uncheck "embed all images"
I don't use Inkscape and it's not difficult for me to modify my original AI file but it would only be worth my time if a few people wanted that version.

Turning the model into a glider is a bit trickier. The model as it is now is not symmetrical.
Yeah that's deliberate as the card model is a low-poly version of my 3D-print sculpt which is posed so it's banking/turning to the left. It was always intended for display and not flight, anyone is welcome to have a go at adapting it though if they want.

If I was ever to make a flying version I wouldn't try to 'iron out' the existing model. Instead I would make a new design based on those flat toy gliders. It would be much simpler to make aerodynamic and tweak/refine the flight abilities, of course this version would have a symmetrical pose. This is what I meant earlier in the thread but sometimes I don't express myself very well.
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A deviantart member sent me some nice pics of their build of the Dimorphodon.

