Detail Drawings of Locomotives


New Member
Jul 22, 2011
Louisville, KY
I have searched the web far and wide and have been unable to locate dimensioned drawings of prototype locomotives and cars that are suitable to create a model from. Does anyone know of a source for this type of information?
:killer:dick8299, your best bet is posting a post in the "Introductions" part of the forum. You will get seen by more people, Tell us who you are. your interests, where you hail from. Then you will have a better chance of getting some help. We are a real community. if you going to move in, say "Hi!".

:wlecome1: to the forum dick8299!!:thumb:
You can find plans of railway locomotives and wagons here

Polish site, but extremely simple layout, and in age of google translation it should be easy to navigate.
Yes, thank you for these links. Some of them I have found before, but really appreciate the new ones. I am sure I never would have found the Polish site on my own.
* By searching Google books, The Internet Archive, or Hathi Trust Digital Library you open up a world of Railroad information. There were monthly publications which were combined into bi-yearly and yearly volumes. The American Railroad journal started with Volume 1 in 1832 and continued with name changes to Volume 97 in 1923 that are on line. The early ones were designed for people who buy stock, so the information was geared towards that propose. The magazine in trying to give precise information would give in some articles detailed info that modelers could use. By the time they were publishing in the 1870’s 80’s and later it became common place to see detailed drawings of locomotives, buildings, and other railroad information. The railroad gazette started in 1869 with their Volume 1. In 1896 V-22 the named changed to Railway Are and the Northwestern Railroader.. Then again in 1900 V-30 the name became Railway Age. 1909, V-46 it changed to Railway Age Gazette, and about 1915 V-59 became Railway age again. There is a lot of different railroad publications that are available on line. All you need to do is look.