Despicable Me

Those are pretty cool! Can you imagine a couple of classrooms full of kids making those, what an army you'd have!
I moved the eyes out into the goggles and put some clear plastic in them for the lenses then I used thread for the hair and for the minion with two eyes I made the mouth 3D with tounge and teeth.


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That is so cool looking! It also shows what can be done with a model by just thinking out of the box a little. It brought them too life! :)
Great job and the little extras you added really make a difference,got to love the Minions,they're so tuneful
Dr. Nefario: Here's the new weapon you ordered.
[Shoots minion with the fart gun]
Gru: No, no, no. I said DART gun.
Dr. Nefario: Oh yes. Cause I was wondering... under what circumstances would we use this?
Nice modifications - well done! I had thought about the hair with paper but what you did makes more sense and the goggles - nice touch.