DeHavilland DH89 Dragon Rapide by Schreiber Bogen build thread

Hello all
A small update.
I began with the lower wing's internal structure. There are two longitude spars, three formers on each side. Nothing special, BUT...
The upper side of the wing is convex as usual.
The lower part is double curvature, concave in the middle and convex on the front. The problem is that the rear part of the former is very small. Remembering that this is a 1.5 mm cardboard, in order not to damage the rear of the former, I cut out the former roughly, cover the cardboard with superglue and sand the formers down to the needed outline. This takes a lot of time... So advance is slow but it exists....
The frame is made using the superglue. So it is quite rigid. I will reinforce the spars with bamboo coffee stirrers, just in case
Great "Heads up" tip on the trailing edge of the formers. Very smart to reinforce them with cyano-acrylate glue. Looking forward to see the wings come together. I would definitely sister those spars with wood, or the wings will eventually droop. Maybe even put superglue on those to prevent them from absorbing moisture. ;)
This will be the go to thread to follow for anyone wishing to build this aircraft. ;)
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Hello all.
Advancing to lower wing.
The designer proposed here to use two parts, n4 42 and 47, to be mounted on the lower concave part of the formers this creating a base to which the bottom part of the wing will be attached. All the "ribs" protrusions will be seen on the base, potentially not appearing on the wing wrapping. Top wrapping of the wing will be mounted with UHU glue giving no protrusion of the formers or the spars.

It appeared that I glued these parts to cardboard by mistake. Do not glue the parts 42 and 47 to cardboard! I remade these parts from 170 gsm paper.

After some fitting attempts, the formers' ends began to snap off. That's no wonder since openings allowing insertion of the former in spars, left very small cardboard parts. So I had to reassemble the flame reinforcing the connection points as much as possible. Also, the wing bases were reinforced with superglue. Later I will also reinforce the connection of root former to the fuselage. So that stage too much time, but I hope it will be worth it.
Looks good. I hope thosetabs don't leave an open seam?!? :)
Looks like you recessed them. ;)
Hello all
I am back.
Got the rear engine compartment parts wrapped. Mounted on the wing with no issue.
Next are the propellers and the forward engine compartment parts. Interesting design here. The is paper axle inserted through base an glued to the prop formers. I inserted pieces of paper between prop base and the front engine compartment part to prevent gluing of the prop to base. Later I removed them.
I tried to install the prop blades in angle, unsuccessfully.
So it will be.
Wow!! You're on the home stretch! :)
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Hello all
A small update
Front parts of the engine compartment and upper rear skeletons are ready.
Tried to figure out the way to provide pitch to the prop blades, didn't find any non destructive way of doing that.
There is a small fit issue with the lower front wrapping part, the one under the air intake. It is too large. I will try to adapt it with thin nail scissors.
I don't really see the way to attach the front engine part to rear. That looks like edge joint, which I am really bad at....
Well one picture worth thousand words, so, enjoy.
Very nice Boris!! :)