DCC Helpful Links

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Active Member
Mar 23, 2001
Northern Rivers NSW Australia

This thread will contain helpful and useful links to DCC information on the Web.

I will keep this thread "closed" (so as not to clutter it up) and "sticky" at the top. ( so it's easily visible for all, and newcomers).

Please PM me (Personal Message) if you have a link you think is useful, and I'll check it out and place it here.
NMRA Standards

You may see, within DCC specifications and information that the equipment is NMRA compatible.
The National Model Railroad Association (in the US) have defined some "standards" as to how DCC should work. As you are aware, "standards" are necessary so as to allow a range of equiment from different manufacturers to work with each other, supposedly, seamlessly. Some manufacturers will have their own "extensions" to these "standards". Which means that some commands and controls for that specific manufacturer, may or may NOT work on other manufacturer's equipment.

This link here is the full NMRA specification for DCC systems. It is VERY technical, right down to the level, if you wished to design your own DCC circuitry, you could.

Wiring for DCC

Camelot (Ian) from Western Australia has provided me with a useful link that contains mountains of info on wiring for DCC.

It contains everything from soldering tips (useful for non DCC systems too) to thoughts about using computers to interface with your DCC system.

The website is by a guy called Alan Gartner who seems to reign from the Dallas area of the US. I have no idea who he is.

Most of the info seems to be gleaned from his experience, and does highlight some "don'ts", of which we ALL have our own list of "don'ts" especially after we've "done". :mad:

Wiring for DCC Link
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