Creating Water Effects and Explosions

I saw this a while back. There is definitely a learning curve to this. I'd like to see how many time it didn't work before he perfected it. He is an artist, and deserves the accolades. The ones that didn't go right could teach much though. Very interesting!! ;)
You can learn from that video even if you don't understand Japanese. Acrylic gel medium has long been used in creating water effects and this fellow makes good use of it. The most important thing in creating these water effects, though, is to study photos of the real thing. The process is very much like what a painter does when painting of picture of real scene. Study the colors, details and types of shapes you see.
I know my limitations, and these works exceed mine by far, but that's not saying much. I guess if you work with those mediums, you can do it. The only composites I worked on were in the aerospace industry, and that was all proprietary. The end result of these works are pretty awesome. :)