COVID Masks and Procedures in General: A discussion


Staff member
Apr 5, 2013
By now everyone should know that the N-95 are going to give you the best possible protection. How you fit these to your face is also very important. Upon inhaling, if you feel air coming in from the perimeter of the mask, bend the nose tab, and adjust the mask so that no air escapes. get the mask the fits your face the best.

the Gator Masks "Coper Infused" are probably the worse kind of mask, in particular, because they absorb moisture, and do not filter out anything. The ads give a false sense of security. If you use one of them to plaster an N-95 mask to your face, that might be the only reason I could see using one of these masks.

There are N-95 masks that have a plastic piece that allows outgoing breath to escape quicker. If you happen to be a carrier of COVID, you will carry the virus everywhere you go using one of these.

These masks must be used for some people who have heart problems, or severe asthma, o COPD, etc. These are the only people that should be using these.

Talking with my Pulmonlogist, and pharmacists, they both agree that buying an liquid atomizing bottle (kind of what you use to mist plans, which would work) to mist your N-95 Masks after using, you mist the mask till it is saturated with Hydrogen Peroxide 3%, front and back. Hydrogen Peroxide chemically kills all virus and Bacteria, the process is like a chemical fire. The masks smell better than new when dry, and you do not destroy the mask matrix by washing either by hand or in a washing machine.

These are just a few pointers, please point out any you may have. With 1/4 million people getting infected every day, it's important that a forum on paper models comment, as most of these masks are made of paper.

I also use a Non Woven Polypropylene Fabric that filters down to 2 microns. I use it under a tight fitting waterproof neck pull up face mask, just over the bridge of my nose. I also use N-95 masks. I purchased 30 meters of this stuff, 8" inches wide, for $26 bucks, before it became unavailable. It is available now, and is great for those of you who can make your own cloth mask, and slip a layer of this inside. Maximum protection. I clean my masks use hydrogen peroxide, as I described above.

Of course, if you don't regularly wash or sanitize your hands before you put on and take off the masks, and stop touching your eyes and face, then this is all for naught.

One example of many videos:

My wife has medical issues that put her in the high risk category, and I have been letting her use my N95 masks when we go out. I made my own mask with a pocket to old N95 material inside, and so far, we have been okay. luckily Rome Ga is not a hotspot of Covid 19 at this time.
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I'm surrounded by very hot spots. I am pretty much holed up. I don't like to leave town much. Many houses are being sold, as people are getting ridiculous offers from them from people who wish to get out of New York and Westchester County. Multi layered close knit cotton sheets work well, just make sure you clean them after each use. The 3% Hydrogen Peroxide spray/msting of them would work perfectly, and placed over a light bulb would dry quickly. ;)
My pharmacist made me a mixture of Hydrogen Peroxide and 91% alcohol, that I mist on mine and the wifes when we get back... We don't go out much, basically groceries, medicines, and DR appointments. not much else.
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Adding the alcohol sounds like a great idea. It probaby makes the Hydrogen Peroxide evaporate quicker. An extremely flammable solution!! :)
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This might be the best time to give up smoking. :cool:

We have a good supply of FFP2 masks at work and can even purchase them for private use. Every batch is checked by specialists in-house to ensure the safety and efficiency of the masks. Basic rule: The thinner blue/white face masks protect those around you, the FFP2 / N-95 / KN-95 masks protect the ones around you AND yourself.
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I can't understand why anyone smokes, but know it is really hard to stop. That "E-cigarettes" was even approved, which now adds metals to your lungs, and a more pure form of nicotine seems to just be to make it hard as possible while these companies slowly kill you, they drain your wallet, and the governments charge a huge tax, and drain you on the back end. In truth, the disposable part of the whole smoking process becomes the human. I know people who have trouble keeping a car going and spend enough money on cigarettes to make a payment, and insurance payments, monthly, on a new high quality car. Their money just goes up in smoke every pay day, and every day, in reality. :sadno:
One of my aunts is a heavy smoker. She tried to stop it several times and constantly failed. I consider myself lucky because I have never started it. I always think of all the money that I have saved because of that. ;)
I smoked for nearly 30 years, and when price went above $1.00 a pack I made myself a promise, to quit if the price went above $2.00 a pack. In 2008 the cheapest carton went from $19.98, ($1.998 per pack) to $21.98, and I used the free cessation benefit of my insurance to get my wife and I the nicotine patches, and we quit. Now 12 years quit, and loving the day I put them down.
Since the beginning of November we are in what they call a "lockdown light". We are allowed to move freely but all cultural institutions, cafés and bars are closed. This was done to bring the infection numbers down. They literally exploded in mid autumn, Germany is full of hot spots. However the numbers are stagnating and even rising again now, so it looks like the means taken are not as efficient as they are supposed to be. Wild debates are going on on how to cope with it. The people are feverishly awaiting the vaccine which is being distributed throughout the country in the next weeks. First vaccinations are taking place in January. Vaccination centers are being established to meet the special requirements of the vaccine. For example, it has to be stored at -70°C and can be tawed up and re-freezed only three or four times before it gets impotent. The elderly and people working at hospitals and old people's homes are the first on the list. Hot spots with extremely high incident numbers may get their own distribution center. The vaccination is voluntary, no-one is forced to do it. We are performing POC tests at work now every four weeks and when a colleague shows symptoms of an illness to be safe. The result is available after 15 minutes. The sample is taken out of the nose (I suppose the probe is pushed right into the hole inside your head illusionists use to hammer nails in ;) ).


I did it two days ago (it was negative, meaning, positive for me ;) ). A few months ago my doc took a sample out of my throat which I found a bit more unpleasant; maybe I'm getting used to it. :)
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My life can be described bas "lockdown light" predating COVID. That's what a good marriage does. I have everything I need home, and what I don't have usually involves going to a supermarket, or Home Depot, or an Auto Parts store. :)
Germany is facing a new complete shutdown. All shops aside from those who sell essential goods will be closed by tomorrow. Infection numbers are no longer moving horizontally, they are increasing again. Projections show that the hospitals might exceed their limits by the end of next week. When this point is met doctors have no other choice but to decide who can be saved and who cannot.

The original plan was to keep the lockdown light in effect till Christmas and then allow people to see their families over the holidays. Frankly, I had my doubts from the beginning. And I'm glad that this plan was scrapped. We should have had a complete shutdown from the beginning. I know this sounds hard and unfair to many people, especially those who have painstakingly obeyed the rules and who have been experiencing economical distress. However, we all should reconsider our priorities by now. Christmas will come again, but you only have one life. Of course you may visit your beloved ones but you have to be aware of the fact that this may be the last time you would see them. A virus does not care about holidays.
Connecticut, in order to crunch this virus has a go only where you must. Restaurants, Bars, and most eat in places are only doing take out. In our local high school, people have had these secret parties, and end up having the whole school closed. All classes are at home, internet based now.

There are such a large amount of people who believe the Pandemic is a scan, thanks to our "lame duck president", who by example, has done virtually nothing, people follow his example, get COVID, and get sick, and many die. We will probably lose another 350K to 350K people in the U.S. before the vaccines stop this thing. Many people will end not end up taking the vaccines, and they will get sick, and some will die off. Maybe this is natural selection at work, I tend to think it's ignorance.

I don't like to see otherwise, nice people die because they've been deceived. It's truly sad. We (in the u.S.) are experiencing, in my opinion, the worst, and most dangerous president that has ever been elected.

The Supreme Court of the United States has just shut down his insane claims, based on Texas has a stated that they have the right to complain about the voting methods of 4 other states. We already fought a Civil War.

When you yell fire in a theater, you go to jail. When there is a fire, and you deny it, well, apparently, nothing happens to you, even if your running the projector and have started the fire. Personal responsibility is what will get you (in general) through this. Wear the masks, wash your hands constantly, don't touch your face unless you have just cleaned your hands, and stay in a small social group. This will pass.

Thank God, we will have a new leader at the helm, and there will be a big change coming.

If the lame duck president continues his diatribe, and incites rioting, he should be, in my opinion, be arrested for servile insurrection.

The legal charges that will be coming towards Trump are massive, and since they are on a state level, he cannot pardon himself or his family. The U.S. is on standby because our leaders of the party of "No", only worry about re-election and staying in power, not the Pandemic.

This is not a political statement, it is fact. The Supreme Court refusal to even hear his frivolous lawsuit, made it fact. The 3 Judges he appointed shot him down. I would not comment on this until this point. He is not doing a transition with the new incoming government properly, and an economic situation relating to TARP, will soon be coming forward. Look it up.

We, as individuals, must help ourselves and our friends, and loved ones. We will make it through if "we" stick together, and do the oh so simple things we must do to stay alive.
Your posts are succinct, always touching the essence. :)
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When I made comment in this post, I received many PMs supporting and agreeing with what I posted. One member, however, decided that he had had enough of my "antics", and instead of telling me, he told another moderator, that he wanted to leave the forum, and asked this moderator to take actions, that were frankly up to me to do. This moderator told me, and I removed that member from the forum.

No problem, if you don't want to be here, that's fine, let me know, I will happily remove you and make it so you can never get back to this forum.

On my post, on Dec 11, 2020, post #13, the post this member objected too, I saw that trouble was coming. I wanted to shake the tree a little, so that bad fruit would drop out, and only one contaminated fruit fell. All in all, I thought that was pretty good. One actually quite inconsequential member, who contributed little, almost close to nothing, fell. Crap rolls downhill, so I have an idea where he will end up.

If anyone supports the servile insurrection that happened in Washington today, supports people who defiled out sacred halls of democracy, brought on by a President who cares about nothing but himself, leave. I invite you to leave. I want you to leave. Get the Hell out of Zealot. The flags bearing Trump's name out numbered American flags. This thug of a president tried to over through our democratically seated government by having and exciting a mob to riot and attack our Seat of Government, which was in session with the whole seat of our government all president. Maybe he Trump was hoping that mob would succeed in eliminating our government and stage his " coup d'etat " on America.

May God Bless America, this assault on this country is squarely on Trump, who spread lies, who whipped people into a riotous frenzy, to try and over through the vote that had taken place, was found to be the most accurately held vote in the history of this country, even by those people who served in Trump's administration. The amount of people, from so many past governments, on both sides of the "aisle", Democrats and Republicans both saw the the vote was fair and no fraud occurred.

If you supported what happened in Washington today, get the Hell of out this forum. I do not want one rebellious, servile rebellious insurrectionist on this forum. Get out, make it public, send me a PM, do it however you wish, but get out. This forum is not for you, the good people of this forum here do not want you here. and lastly, I do not want you here. Be gone with you haters of the United States of America.

Peace to the nicest bunch of people I have had the pleasure to know. The tree has been shaken, hopefully all the rotten fruit has fallen down, lest the tree get sick.

Senior Administrator

p.s. The Cabinet of the President are speaking of invoking the 25th Amendment, removing the President, making the Vice President of the United States, which would take the Nuclear Briefcase out of the hands of this despot.
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I was a Trump supporter, up until he decided to try and overturn an election. His baseless accusations of election tampering and voter fraud, cost Georgia 2 Republican senators. Theses insurrections in DC are not constitutionally sound. No elections were "stolen".

President Trump should step down, and let VP Pence serve the rest of his term, then swear President-Elect Biden in on the 20th. This whole affair is so sad to see in our great country.
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I agree with 100%. There are many things Trump did that if he had just accepted his defeat, would have gone down as a president who shook the bickering party lock down, where nothing got done. Now, he has tarnished his legacy. I stood with him on his China tariff policies, which opened up imports from Vietnam and Indonesia, etc., countries which quickly picked up the slack with higher quality products, at cheaper prices. He let down the people, many good people, who supported him. 5 Capitol Police are dead now, one of them had their head bashed in with a fire extinguisher. It was Vice President Pence who called in the National Guard, not Trump.

The people who gave their lives attacking the terrorists who were headed to 9/11 crashing the plane into the ground, giving their lives have had their act of absolute selflessness, giving theirs lives to protect the White House, desecrated by this insurrectionists mob. This is a man (Trump), not a party, a man who incited a riot, along with Giuliani, who (Giuliani) is on video saying to take back the White House with force. This is insurrection. This is not a party affiliation issue, it is an issue of small cadre who are traitors to their oath's of office. They incited this mob with months, if not years, of lies. They have tried to break down the fabric of our society and they have failed. No one should feel bad for what they believe they supported, they were lied to. There is a big base of people who are needed as an anchor to keep the country in balance. Form political parties and VOTE!!
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We just have a sh*tload of COVID here in the U.S.. The distribution of the vaccine delivered has been botched up royally. The new super contagious version is now 1 state away from me.

I found these 3M Masks that are incredible. They have a foam bridge under the metal strip, and when you unfold it, you shove you chin into the pocket, slip if over your nose, press and mold to fit, and your lips are around 1" inch away from any surface, so it really easy to breath through, you don't get sweaty, and they were only $5 bucks!! It's called the 3M Aura 1870 IC-18A5726, it also says NIOSH on it. Best mask I have ever used.

I clean my masks with a misting bottled filled with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. I spray till the mask is saturated, but no dripping. That Hydrogen Peroxide kills everything. This prevents the material from loosening by hand or machine wash. When you put the mask on after it's dried, it smells so unbelievable fresh. The very rigid ribbing gives an excellent shap, and the straps don loop behind your ears, so no irritation.;)

A 5 pack can b purchased here for $28.95. Link =


