Construction of a flying motorcycle

But not even last a few detail shots of the race ....

CylonGirl, Watch the Double Photos!! Please!! Goo back and remove the doubles. The Models looks great! Nice concept. :)
I really enjoy the action scenes. You imagination shines from you like a sun! :)
Makes you wonder what the designer was thinking, 3 engines and the pilot right behind them? He would have fried in second, but this is fantasy, and the model is a very good making of something that only existed in a drawing. :)
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All pod racers from Star Wars I are same case. Two huge engines infront of cabin with absolutely no protection :). I read nice article about bad design (not visualy, looks nice, but functionaly).

But what you know. Maybe this are not jet enines Or it are jet engines with some added hi-tech scifi device to alter Newton Laws, so that you can stand right behind the engine and are completly safe :)
Sie haben schnell genug Zathros zu sein ... Dann kühlt der Wind. Lol .....

The wind would cool down your burned carbonized stumps!!! Still looks cool though. :)

Der Wind würde Ihre verbrannt verkohlt Stümpfe abkühlen !!! Obwohl sieht immer noch cool. :)
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