Construction of a Buck Rogers Hangar

Excellent stuff! However, this picture


is a CG re-creation and does NOT show the original hangar. :)
Yeah I know , but it had all the EXACT same elements as the one cylongirl started with from Megomike on with the added windows... so I included it for a layout option ... Here is a better view of the complete set,


and here is a view of the Quad mock up in mothballs in some Hollywood backlot...

Quad_Mock_up.jpg made of plywood and a few metal parts! Actually the best layout out there was a Lego setup that was fantastic!!
Ich habe mir in der Zwischenzeit die von Revell Fan auf 1/32 verkleinerte Konsole ausgedruckt und laminiert. Einmal schwarz-weis und einmal farbig.
Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung!!
I have a print out in the meantime by Revell Fan on 1/32 reduced console and laminated. Once black-looking and one colored.
Many thanks for the support!!



Da ich ggw. viel arbeiten muss ist es ein kleines Erholungsprojekt, was sicherlich zeitlich etwas dauert- bis es dann einmal fertig ist.
Since I ggw. must work a lot, it is a small recovery project, which is certainly time something dauert- until then once finish
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Did you print it on A3 paper? If yes, it's OK. If you used A4 paper, the parts are too small. The file has to be printed with landscape orientation.
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Looking better all the time. I'll be watching closely because I'd love to build one for myself sometime. Would love to get one of the 8 inch Buck Rogers figures but it would take a lot of space to make a star fighter and hanger big enough for that.
Hier also das vermisste Bild im Querformat....
Here, then, the missing image in landscape format




ausgeschnitten und zusammengebaut, vor dem falten und kleben habe ich das Laminat leicht eingeritzt und dann über einem Lineal geknickt.
cut out and assembled in front of the fold and glue I have the laminate easily scratched and then bent over a ruler.



Wie man auf meinem Ausdruck des Fotos erkennen kann ist der Rücken des Computerterminals noch etwas anders geformt.
Durch die Hilfe von Revell Fan habe ich aber eine hervorragende Vorlage, die sich sehr gut überarbeiten läßt.
Den Monitor kann ich 1:1 übernehmen. Nochmals Dankeschön dafür!

As you can see on my printout of the photo of the back of the computer terminals is still shaped somewhat differently.
but through the help of Revell fan I have an excellent template that can be over work very well.
The monitor can I 1: take over. 1 Again thank you for it!


Und für mich zur weiteren Motivation eine kleine Stellprobe...And for me to further motivation a taste ...


You truly have the ability to think in all 3 dimensions (4, including time) simultaneously. :)
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