Coal mine closer to finished


lester perry

Now you can see where I am going with this thing. I know the contest is over but here are more pics




I am rather satisfied withit so far but still working on it.
What it used to be

Oh yeah you may remember this picture from a while back this is what the area used to be. Big coal money won out, the farm is history.
It is scratch built. I had it in the summer scratch build competition but still not finished.
Nothing else is done on it. November was for open house. Now I am working 10 hours a day 6 days a week with a 45 minute drive to and from work. No time to work on anything right now but will be off between Christmas & New Year.
lester perry said:
Nothing else is done on it. November was for open house. Now I am working 10 hours a day 6 days a week with a 45 minute drive to and from work. No time to work on anything right now but will be off between Christmas & New Year.

Good to hear from you. I can understand that. Yes christmas and new years is one of the perfect times to work on the railroad.