Can anyone help me and Modify a PDO file?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2020

Is anyone able to help me?

I've got a PDO file of a T-Rex Head and Torso, but I'd like to edit the file so it's only the Head - I've attached a picture of what i mean - i want to Cut the model on the Red line and get a New PDO I can print and make.

Thanks if you can




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    Screenshot 2021-11-30 094756.jpg
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Hi Gareth,

I tried to convert the pdo into another format using PDOtools and an online pdo to obj converter but unfortunately both failed, so I was unable to cut it at this spot. Instead, I did what I could do and removed everything behind this red line so that you can print the parts you are interested in and skip the unneeded parts:


That saves you some paper.

If you cannot find someone who is able to convert the pdo into an editable format I'm afraid you will have to assemble the model "as is" and cut the physical model apart along the desired line.

Kind regards
Marcell :)


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Open the PDO, click on print preview, enlarge or make smaller the image with your browser zoom.
Do a screen grab -( prt sc ) button over the backspace key.
Then open in mspaint, or or any image editing software.
You can guess where the lines should be for the cut and like Revell-Fan said, just trim after printing.
After you cut the image using the white color option with the line function, simply erase the unwanted parts or drop white paint on them.
Open the PDO, click on print preview, enlarge or make smaller the image with your browser zoom.
Do a screen grab -( prt sc ) button over the backspace key.
Then open in mspaint, or or any image editing software.
You can guess where the lines should be for the cut and like Revell-Fan said, just trim after printing.
After you cut the image using the white color option with the line function, simply erase the unwanted parts or drop white paint on them.
I missed this. Great idea
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Open the PDO, click on print preview, enlarge or make smaller the image with your browser zoom.
Do a screen grab -( prt sc ) button over the backspace key.
Then open in mspaint, or or any image editing software.
You can guess where the lines should be for the cut and like Revell-Fan said, just trim after printing.
After you cut the image using the white color option with the line function, simply erase the unwanted parts or drop white paint on them.
That's a great idea! I haven't thought about that. It should do for a rough cut. Basically you only need to mark the starting end ending point on each face, draw a line between them et voilà! :)