Building and Kitbashing the Walthers N Scale Rolling Mills


Mack CH613 & 53' Trailer
Apr 14, 2006
Rancho Santa Margarita, Cali.
Hi again guys, this thread will contain the step-by-step progress pics of me building and kitbashing 2 Walthers N Scale Rolling Mills together. This thread will be alot like my previous thread "Building the Walthers N Scale Blast Furnace".

I should start posting pics in about a week because I don't have the building yet, I ordered it from Mike Fifer Hobby a few days ago and sent out the payment on Monday so it should be here sometime next week.

You can view the thread "Building the Walthers N Scale Blast Furnace" by clicking HERE. You have to click the links to the pics through most of the thread because we moved servers and the pics got messed up but the weathered pics of the furnace at the end are still there.

Hope you guys enjoy this thread as much as you guys did the last :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Here is a pic of the Walthers N Scale Rolling Mill off of Walthers web site


This build/kitbash will also be entered in the April/May "Name your own contest" here on the Gauge. It will be under the catogory of kitbashing.
I was informed today that my new buildings (2 rolling mills, coke oven, and heavy duty overhead crane + Walthers 07' N Reference Book) were being shipped out tomarrow by Fifer Hobby Shop so they should be here by Thursday/Friday :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Here is the Rolling Mill Skeleton. This is with both of them bashed together so this is the final length of the building. I glued the Supports to the base and then added the Crane Support Beams in.


A look down the supports of the Mill. You can see the imbeded tracks in the floor.

Great-looking work! You may want to get in touch with Rick Spano, who is putting the finishing touches on his N scale Freytag Steel Mill for his Sceniced and Undecided Railway (see the Phase III photo gallery). You appear to share many of the same challenges, and are taking some similar approaches.

These are the end walls. Walthers gives you the choice of having a completly enclosed structure or having the 3 open doors fot the tracks that run through the building. I chose to fo open doors as you will see in a few pics. This is one of 2 end walls that will be used in this kitbash.


This is the roof piece. It is one of 4 that will be used. (thats my M-16 airsoft gun holding the door open in the backround lol)


Here are the side walls, there are 8 of them. Just like the end walls, Walthers gives you the choice of having the walls go all the way down to the bottom floor or having the bottom floor open so that you can see inside. I chose to have the bottom florr open so this wall is the shortened version.


Here is the roof Vent Housing that goes ontop of the roof to allow the tremendous heat that is created during the mill process to escape. Most mills also leave the bottom floor open to allow some of the heat to escape to. There are 2 of these vent housings that will be on the roof of the mill.
Great-looking work! You may want to get in touch with Rick Spano, who is putting the finishing touches on his N scale Freytag Steel Mill for his Sceniced and Undecided Railway (see the Phase III photo gallery). You appear to share many of the same challenges, and are taking some similar approaches.

Thanks David!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I just saw Rick's layout pages a few days ago and I am VERY impressed with his work. I saved lots of pics on my computer of his steel mill pics and I will be using them to help me along along with some others that I have found. I really like his Huletts that he build and I would love to do something like that also. I want to have a big ore and coal storage bunker like that. I think I will e-mail him and ask him a few questions. Thanks again David

I glued one of the roof sections on and then added 2 walls. This is what it will look like with the bottom floor open.


Another view of the assembly


Different angle, i kinda like how all the steel trusses are exposed like that, it just looks cool to look down them lol


The Mill Walls and the Roof have been completed on this side of the Mill.


Shot of the other side of the Mill, now both sides are complete and the Mill is starting to look like a Mill lol

This shows the Roof Vent Housing glued down to the top of the roof. Now to add the other one at the other end of the Mill Roof


The other Vent Housing has been added and the Mill is pretty much complete now as far as the building goes.

Next to come will be the weathered pics of the this GIANT Rolling Mill building.
Very nice work. From the angles of the photos you really can't see the seams between the sections. Is it that good from normal viewing distance?

Very nice work. From the angles of the photos you really can't see the seams between the sections. Is it that good from normal viewing distance?


Thanks Mark :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Well, Now that you say something and as I look back, it does appear that there are little or no seems in the walls and roof. Well I think I can explain that in 2 reasons lol. 1 is the angle and 2 is the bad pic quality because these are taken from a camera fone :eek:ops: :eek:ops: lol

There are seams and some of them (like the roof) are really bad because in order to kitbash 2 kits you had to do some cutting on the roof, well, i thought that the lines were straight but obviously they were not as straight as I thought they were :eek:ops: :eek:ops:

To solve this, I am planning to use a lil joint compound, not very much, just a lil to cover up the gaps between the pannelson the roof since that is the only part that looks "bad"

Anyone ever done this to hide gaps in seams? Anyone have any other suggestions? I think that the joint compound will work just fine but if anyone can stear me in another direction as to what to do/use please tell let me know :mrgreen:
GREAT WORK!!!!! i cant get over how big your buildings are!! there bigger than my HO scale steel mill buildings! very cool!

Anyone ever done this to hide gaps in seams? Anyone have any other suggestions? I think that the joint compound will work just fine but if anyone can stear me in another direction as to what to do/use please tell let me know :mrgreen:

as for the joints,i cover them with all sorts of maintenence ladders,conduit,vents,anything that looks like it could be there.but you would have to redo the corrugated siding if you use joint compound.--josh
GREAT WORK!!!!! i cant get over how big your buildings are!! there bigger than my HO scale steel mill buildings! very cool!

Thanks so much!! They are pretty damn big arn't they lol

as for the joints,i cover them with all sorts of maintenence ladders,conduit,vents,anything that looks like it could be there.but you would have to redo the corrugated siding if you use joint compound.

I would cover some of them up but I don't have anything to cover them up with right now and I think that the rules for the kitbash contest were that you can use nothing more then what comes in the box to build/bash the kit. The joint compound will be used in very small amounts and I would make sure not to get it on the corrugated siding (the gaps are were the roof comes to the point on the very top)