Building a Traction Layout

Thanks. When you asked about sending frogs, the Crate-o-Frogs popped into my head and I couldn't help it.:)
Go right ahead and use them, I still have 80 yrs to sue you. sign1

If you want, I can upload them in their uncompressed original size and give you the link.:thumb:

Wow, I had to add more characters to post. Bare min 10.

I figured it'd be atleast 1 minimun. Eh, learned another near useless thing today.:D
Oh, you mean the "Hollow Tree"!? Yes, I own it and thanks for the compliment.

I've been wanting to try it for years, but it wasn't until I had the proper mixing equipment for bubble free molding and casting. I have a peeve about bubbles and due to the fact that almost every modeler today owns a digital camera, I just can't see having a scene ruined by some smooth, scale bowling ball size hole in the stone wall in the background.

Cut stones have splitting/fracturing drill holes along with lifting holes. The top-sides have also been worked to represent a chisled and dressed look. Nobody modeled them, so I did.

Also, alot, but not all stone walls have a slight lean (1-5 degrees)to them, which is easy enough to model using the other manufacturer's walls, until ya get to a corner. It creates a compound angle which is not easy to cut out of a sheet. I figured it would be best to address the corners first, then build to it.

I did alot of research by looking at actual abutment stones up close and found out that simply casting and breaking off stones did not cut it for me (pun intended):D . I don't care for carved stonework, it just doesn't look right to me, so I use the fracturing method. However, that's where I diverge from the other manufacturer's techniques. I end up working the stones over quite a bit. Loupes don't cut it, so I have to resort to staring into a double barrelled microscope. It IS tedious work, but well worth the effort. I also like to do high density pen & ink drawings, so it fits right in. :)

Plus, I didn't like the idea of having to cut up large walls. Instead, I decided on the "build-up" concept, which is a lot more flexible.

I'm not planning on leaving my day job to do this, but it is thought provoking, model railroading and fun.:thumb:
I had time this morning to play around with the street I will be putting in as this will be the main area for that type of interurban operation I have to make sure I get it right as pictures will be taken many times here.
So Here are a couple of pics of what I played with .

I am off to buy paving stones now :)


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Looks good.

BTW, was it Railcraft that made girder rail at one time in the mid 80's? I know ORR had/has the turnouts, but I have a sample I had ordered from a manufacturer that has no label on the envelope. I don't think it was ORR because I seem to remember that it was from somone else.

Any ideas?
interurban said:
Btw have I ever told you ,,You have a very nice wsbsite depicting you great modeling? NO? Well I am telling you now friend!! :wave: :wave:

Thank, Chris, the kudos have been passed on to my beloved, who does all of that HTML stuff...I just do the pictures. :thumb:
Things have been a bit slow re modeling , but I got "at it" for a while last week.
So ,,,

I needed to give my self three tracks at the back of the L/O , this meant scratching a three track bridge.
reason for this--- one main line will be for my traction, but as I have a main line for steam/desiel , the need for a long by pass would enhance my small operation.
so this is what I did,


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Balsa wood is a handy matériel.
The atlas one track bridge was cut up for the ends.
I have the brick wall mold, so when the scenery is in it should set this off nicely.

Lots to do yet before I have operation and overhead up.


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