BSG Defender

@Sky Seeker, I have to agree with @zathros. You can not over do the greebles.
I have always liked pushing the envelope when it comes to adding greebles and making the models that I build as detailed as possible.
I think that you are doing a FAN(FRAKKING)TASTIC JOB on this project! So GREEBLE ON!!!


Yes your greebling with the Thunderfighters is fantastic! Thanks for your comments and I will keep "greebling"on. I'm almost done with the inside portion of the right engine. Will share the pics when done.

Sky Seeker
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There is a half-studio-scale TOS Galactica on my todo list. Much surface for greebling. Just sayin'. ;)

Most galactica models have LOTS of greebling to do. It's be interesting to see the size of the model you are working on. Large scale models and very tiny scale models are quite a challenge. I thing the largest scale model I've seen done in paper was the Sulaco done by Alien 99 / Jan Rukr. About 120 pages of model. It's HUGE.

Thanks for stopping on by master builder!

Sky Seeker
i dont think that you are over doing it at all! i love seeing this, i think you are making it very real! please dont take anythig i say the wrong way, i think this hobby is the greatest thing! and greebling out all the parts and detailing these ships is just fantastic skill i admire very much.
and am looking forward to greebbling out a K'tinga klingon, plates, wires, even painting on the rust. the omega ship is stuck with 1, i have to build the crew section, then i have to make it rotate, im not sure how yet, i might just make it part of the stand and run it straight up next to the rotating part. zathros said something about a rubberband gear system. but i have been sick. might as well spill my guts, they discovered a tumor after christmas, and then declared it benign, and then said it shrunk away, and then said its still there, on my spine. also i have had this desert flue for 3 weeks and it usually runs 4 weeks.
i have lost 15 pounds.
im working on build pics of the first try at the k'tinga i built in my spare time this month. i will post them soon.


Actually, I thought what you said was quite clever. I also like what you've done with the Klingon cruiser. Looking forward to seeing the "rust" effect.

As to the Omega destroyer - I think sometimes we all get stuck with certain aspects of a model. The turning aspects of the crew section remind me of a Goodyear blimp I built from a kit a while ago where the message section would rotate and back light a message you would color in. It was a great model, but got lost a long time ago. That type of rotation might be what you need, but I seem to recall that the motor was heavy and larger than the internal shaft that extends the length of the Omega. Zathros' idea of a rubberband system would work well sort of like the propeller mechanism for a model airplane / glider you can fly. I don't know how many of those I've lost in the past (quite a few), but they are always fun.

Hope you get well soon regarding the flu and the tumor.

Take care and I'll pray for you.

Sky Seeker
Ok here's another post.

Work on the inside portion of the right engine is done.
Lower portion texturing outside portion.
Inner portion right engine.

Lower portion right engine


The end is ALMOST here!:animated: I'm currently working on the outer side of the right engine. When that is done, texturing on the fighter bay will be next, then a test rebuild of the engine assembly having a recessed section. After that the turrets and the fighter bay are to be attached.

Then the next project...probably B5 related.

Isn't life fun!:)

Sky Seeker
Here's something that I found in relation to scales and possible future projects.

Scale Vorchan vs Omega Destroyer
Omega destroyer = 1,400 m

Centauri Vorchan cruiser = 608 m

Battlestar Columbia = 610m


Existing ships and buildings to scale

The defender is roughly 3/4 the size of the Battlestar Columbia.

I hope you enjoy the comparison.

Sky Seeker


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I have a link for the ultimate Bab 5 models. It's in the forum. Look for "Lepaj"
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I like that too! :)
I can't wait to see this model finished! No hurry! No hurry!:drinksmile: & then I am eagerly anticipating what "Greebling Goodness" you will bring us for your next model build.No pressure, No pressure.;) :fireguy::)Claphands
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i was trying to brag about your paper model here, on facebook, but i just dont think they get it, do you mind if i post a couple of your pics on the BSG model site? also here is a cool rare pic i found there.View attachment 149374View attachment 149375


Feel free to post what ever where ever of anything that I do. :) I feel really humbled that you would do that and highly complemented.:Drinks:

I just finished the final side of the right engine, but am still working on the top of the engine. Will post some of the pics soon. BTW I like the scorpion fighter you posted. Looks like another good modeling project. So many to do so little time.

Take care.

Sky Seeker
i would really appreciate a front 3/4 and opposing aft 3/4 pic of the latest whole ship you got going here, it would be simpler for those who dont know paper models to understand. and then i would post some of the greebling process. if its not a lot of hassle to do so , please.
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Hey everyone here's some more pics.

The engine greebling on the right side (outside) is finished.



upper inside edge


I've decided for the rear engine greebling to add additional layers to the rear engine (around the blue area in the back) to provide a recessed effect slightly different from the original plans, but this eliminates cutting into the model.

Gluing the turrets will be the subject of the next post.

That's it for now. Other pics for the full ship are coming per Spaceagent's request.

Sky Seeker


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Here's the Defender with the turrets installed (at last)





bottom view top of ship


More pics to follow.

Sky Seeker
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More pics






That's all for now.

Further modifications include - Engine addition plus raised features

Additional detailing on the fighter bay, and attaching fighter bay.

After that we'll see.

This model has been brought to you by cinnamon altoids - guaranteed to light your mouth on fire!
The House on the Rock - the home of hundred of models and sundry other devices and things - one big 5 story tall whale - with teeth.

I hope you've enjoyed the model.

Sky Seeker
i would really appreciate a front 3/4 and opposing aft 3/4 pic of the latest whole ship you got going here, it would be simpler for those who dont know paper models to understand. and then i would post some of the greebling process. if its not a lot of hassle to do so , please.


I hope that these are the pics that you wanted.

Sky Seeker