Boats for Westercon art show


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2005
Anchorage, Alaska
I've dusted off boat models to include in the art show. This is one of the first card-models I designed. I'm finishing up the hanger. It was falling off the wire so I used rice paper and acrylic to cover the wire shelf. I'll paint it a watery color. I'm pleased with the display solution and may to more of it. I could make the wire and rice paper even more water like.

Seiner display.jpg

This one also goes in the show. It doesn't have the or the antennas or the itty bitty Evinrudes, but I don't think people will notice. I can put the motors on another craft.

NOAA boat side.jpg
NOAA boat display.jpg


  • NOAA boat.jpg
    NOAA boat.jpg
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  • Seiner.jpg
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That is just too cute. I really like the display method. That's something I haven't seen before!! It's nice seeing these models again, it's been quite a long time. ;)
That is just too cute. I really like the display method. That's something I haven't seen before!! It's nice seeing these models again, it's been quite a long time. ;)
I'm pleased with the hanger for the seiner. I've painted that rice paper part so it's the color of water. I think I'll do more like that. I'll be able to get the rice paper and wire looking like waves. I probably can sell this in a gallery in Homer or Seward. Lots to do. I want to get these designed as kits and sell the kits in Homer and Seward. I can't make models fast enough to sell through galleries, but I can sell the kits. I may eventually need to get dies make and die cut the parts. But it's a big step getting dies made. I don't want to make a mistake. Maybe I'll let you all know when I get closer so that any of you who want can beta test.
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Art projects are never finished, they are abandoned. But then I come back to them. I found that I had itty bitty motors which I'd never mounted, so I did, one thing led to another and I put on the winch and radar. I haven't put in the itty-bity coffee cups or the itty-bitty duffel bags. The door opens and shuts, the propellers spin and the motors can be raised and lowered.
NOAA with motors (4).jpg
I remember when you first made that boat. Everyone wanted one. Since, I believe Paper-Replika has a similar one, but it is not the one you have. That would be well received as a kit. ;)
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