Beyer Garratts?


Nov 13, 2003
Western NY
Would anyone have plans for a small 0-4-0--0-4-0 Garratt?

All these wonderful posts on converting HO track to On30 and stuff has me wishing to add a tiny, outside frame Garratt to my On30 logging line.

This is the prototype for the Backwoods kit - the locomotive is parked at the back of the National railway Meusem in York in the photo. Bear in mind the information board in front of her is only about two and a half feet from side to side which shows you how small she is - might be a little bit TOO small for a US based layout!
Beyer Garratts were made by Beyer Peacock Location was Peacock street Manchester (my home town). I had the joy in the 60`s seeing Pickford heavy machine movers, taking many a steam engine out of there workshops. I was taking to Robin about this when Val and I visited Him and Letty.
I thing David and I also touched on this at the last show. A wonderful steam engine.

I watched a great video recently showing Garratts still hard at work in S/Africa.

They looked great

Just a bit of trivia :rolleyes:
ross31r said:
This is the prototype for the Backwoods kit - the locomotive is parked at the back of the National railway Meusem in York in the photo. Bear in mind the information board in front of her is only about two and a half feet from side to side which shows you how small she is - might be a little bit TOO small for a US based layout!

...a snap to detail and a great first 'bash for someone :thumb: Great pic.