Better Modeling with Meta/Pep/P.N – Tutorial 1: Introduction

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Jaybats, I was wondering what is the best scale to work in?

I've been working on a background "img" of a plane at a scale of 1/48. When I load it up the program runs a bit sluggish and I've still got some more views to add. The tail alone is almost the same size as the mesh.

Would I be better off working several background images and loading them when I needed them or re-scale the image to 1/72 or smaller and then re-scale the 3d object back up at the end?

Cheers JTF
JTF: Actually I don't think it would matter what scale your background images are in, what makes the program sluggish is the size of graphic file in relation to your computer's memory & processor speed. If you just run it thru your graphics program to proportionally shrink either/or both size and resolution down as much as possible without losing too much detail you should be fine (safest bet is an image of less than 100KB size). Also, you don't need to pay attention to the scale of the model while within Meta. You can take care of that when you run the model thru pepakura, by printing it out to be assembled at the desired scale. Your model can be printed out in any scale you wish.
I've re-scaled the drawing to 1/72. I have top, bottom, front, left side, right side and cross section in one jpeg. File size 1.39MB. I have an old PC but all seems to run OK on the above numbers.

I'll cut up my old 1/48 scale version into exterior parts when it come to getting detail like air vents etc. When they're built in meta I'll scale them down and add them to the 1/72 scale body.

This should meet the desire for detail without the need to design a 1/1 model in paper.sign1

Cheers JTF
i just start to read this and i am now on page 2
thank u for shering with us your knowleg and time

i tray to work on rhino more than 2 years
the work on this program is hard and the progres is realy slow
looks like u found a perfect way for the new modelars to make ther own models

thanks again :)

for now i finsh section 2 (the first pod) but i have somthing i like to ask

way my pod looks square and if i look on the fromt side its looks like octagon and not like in your pic rounded
looks okay to me!

maybe you are just referring to the option of clicking on "View", then clicking "Smooth shading" which changes the slightly shading from the light source and makes it more natural-looking. personally i switch between smooth shading checked and unchecked (and with the lines off) to see how the model would look when assembled in card. Smooth shading "on" helps with inspecting the textures, while smooth shading "off" helps clarify the fold lines.

well i start work on part 3 but i have some thing i need to ask i put the first box directly taching the pod? i can make thye front box and the sides box in the some age directly

thanks :)

im comfortable modeling in lightwave so going to a new platform can be confusing and diorientating. after 5 min of browsing this tut and tinkering in met it is all becoming very clear! look forward to the rest especially the uv mapping part. cant wait till its in pdf. thank you very much for doing this!
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