Bandai 1/144th Millennium Falcon from SW, TFA

I'm not a plastic kit maker but these Bandai kits are tempting, esp. the 1/72nd version. Right now I couldn't justify the price or the display space.
All the best with this build, great work so far.
I'm the same with the 1/72nd... but I did ask my son, and daughter-in-law to be on the look out for it in Japan.
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the Cockpit has been populated! I'm going to put Finn in the lower gun tub.
Millenium Falcon 016.jpg

I'm going to cut the little half door out of the back wall, and juts put a piece of grey paper behind it. I'll look for a pic that I can print the right size to make it look like the hall is back there.
Holy Felgercarb... I love this new fangled thing called the internet. is 'Da Bomb'

A quick image search pulled up this pic.
MF cockpit.jpg

which when I printed it out, it looks like the back wall is just the right size to make my false hall...
12 volt RGB LEDs used, the smallest I can cut the strip is 3 LEDs, and I folded them up to fit, more or less, in the small area behind the false hall. I still have to work on fitment and light sealing.

Much brighter. This pic was taken with the flash to show the crew.
Millenium Falcon 021.jpg

now on with the build...
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A peak inside, from behind and underneath.
Millenium Falcon 022.jpg

I forgot to take a pic of the LED cluster I made, so I'll take pics of the steps on the next one, which will light the interior, boarding ramp, and gun tubs.

... It is a sad day in the RC hobby for me, my 20+ year old, and still perfectly functional JR Propo, R-1, FM 27, and 72 Mhz multi band, 3 channel computer radio gave op it's 8 AA battery tray to make my 12 Volt power bank. Now I'll step into the bathroom and have a quick cry for they passing of an era in my life.
Just to clarify for those who might not know, this was a $1,000 USD radio in 1998... and it controlled many of my RC cars, and one little park flier.
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Final update for today...
Cockpit arm finished except for the glass.
Millenium Falcon 023.jpg

Bad light leak to the outside, I'll be priming this model with black... Grrrr.
Millenium Falcon 024.jpg

But, DAYUM... that cockpit is pretty.
Millenium Falcon 025.jpg

I'll be using the glass in front nose, since the dirt on the glass is so visible in SW-TFA
Millenium Falcon 026.jpg

As it sits now, I'm seeing if white glue can be used as a window mask...
Millenium Falcon 027.jpg
The "maintenance" wells on the mandibles are 3 parts per side, and I painted and detailed each set seperatly...
Millenium Falcon 033.jpg

Then assembled the mandible around them.
Millenium Falcon 034.jpg

and built up the side edge panels...
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and the inside section...
Millenium Falcon 037.jpg

Now repeat for the other mandible...
Both mandibles now ready for mating to the rest of the ship...Millenium Falcon 045.jpgMillenium Falcon 046.jpgMillenium Falcon 047.jpgMillenium Falcon 048.jpg

In this scale, the detail piping is so small, that even with Bandai injection molding, you will need a pair of precision sprue cutters.
My generic, HobbyTown USA nippers, next to my Ungar precision side cutters.
Sprue Cutters.jpg
now, on with the "hamburger"...
The "Hamburger" begins with the lower half, and the lower gun tub goes in first...
Millenium Falcon 049.jpg

First off, This kit is engineered such that the stand connects to the gun tub... And as such, the gun tubs ARE NOT moveable...
As can be seen in this pic, the outer plate of the gun tub is keyed in place by tabs and slots
Millenium Falcon 050.jpg

As such, I decided to glue the tub inplace... So Finn is in place in the hull.
Millenium Falcon 051.jpg

Now the pre pain, and detail process for the recessed bays on the bottom, I'll get the base coat on these mechanical pieces tonight.
Millenium Falcon 053.jpg

painting begins again...
Just one update for today, But Man O Man, What an Update....
I basecoated the underside maintenance hole parts, and detailed them out
Millenium Falcon 054.jpgMillenium Falcon 055.jpgMillenium Falcon 056.jpg

Then installed them.
Millenium Falcon 057.jpgMillenium Falcon 058.jpgMillenium Falcon 059.jpg

Then added the "lettuce and tomatoes" errr, the side walls,
Millenium Falcon 062.jpgMillenium Falcon 064.jpgMillenium Falcon 065.jpg

And the "meat" or end caps.
Millenium Falcon 063.jpg

Then it's light blocking time...
Millenium Falcon 068.jpg

And color coats on the aresa that got light blocked, that need to be the base color.
Millenium Falcon 069.jpg
Millenium Falcon 070.jpg

New soldering iron ordered from Home Depot, Wiped out my available credit on one card, but it should be here Thursday.

This paint gets 48 hrs to cure, as I have to wire lights before I close it up. I'll try to rig up the lights enough to give an idea of what the engine will look like.


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