Banana PC jr. 6000 - Alpha Build

That's really professional looking. Put an Arduinio Arm chip (or Raspberri Pi, or whatever the latest one is) in there, with a cheap 1080p LCD Panel, Keyboard, Universal Card reader you will have the ability to interface with USB and Ethernet, WiFi too. You could get a fortune for that!! It would be true performance art! :)
Case Back Lessons Learned
  1. Laminate parts then cut instead of having multiple parts cut out and trying to glue them together. e.g.B.0.10 & B.1.10.
  2. When the two part epoxy says that it sets in six minutes I don't have enough time to paint all the joints.
    1. Epoxy stuck on your fingers and transferred to the model WILL NOT COME OFF THE MODEL.
  3. Get a better gig for glueing panels together.
  4. Vent cutting requires a really sharp knife blade.
  5. Don't put the bays (B.1.2, B.1.3, B.3.2) on the back until all the panels are glued together so that I can use a square to verify that the angle between back panel and the side/top/bottom panels is 90 degrees.
  6. Attach the handle recess (B.0.4a, B.0.4b & B.0.4c) on the top panel after the top panel has been glued to the other panels and B.0.7 & B.0.6 are attached.
  7. Put the Apple/Veidt fee on the bottom after the case back is assembled.
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That's really professional looking. Put an Arduinio Arm chip (or Raspberri Pi, or whatever the latest one is) in there, with a cheap 1080p LCD Panel, Keyboard, Universal Card reader you will have the ability to interface with USB and Ethernet, WiFi too. You could get a fortune for that!! It would be true performance art! :)
I'm not advocating doing that in case someone from Banana Electronics, Inc. is reading this post.
You could do it for yourself. Manufacturing such an object is a different story, but if you did one, and showed people how you did yours, well, they could send you a "Cease and Desist" now, if they wanted too, free or not, preventing you from distributing it. Of course, once the cat is out of the bag, you could take it down, but it would be out there forever!!

Doing something for yourself though, and making a "Computer" out of it, a one off, that would be hard for anyone to do anything about. ;)
Case Front - Monitor Mat

Laminate two sheets of card stock on the back of F.0.9.

Trace F.3.1 on the front side of F.4.3. Remove the 1st layer of material from the cardboard. Don't remove the corrugated material.
IMG_0470.jpg IMG_0471.jpg

Glue F.3.1 into the recess.

Attach F.0.9 to F.4.3.
IMG_0507.jpg IMG_0508.jpg
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Here you are just pluggin' away on this, methodically, and really coming up with something quite fantastic!!! :)
While working from home the other day I noticed the back shell was watching me.

“I know, I know. I’ll get back to you soon.”

It seemed to say, “Great. When?”

“Soon, I promise. I’ve redesigned your light kit so it looks like a CRT m, I’ve got a new soldering iron, one of those alligator clip things for holding wires, nine volt battery clips. I even have extra flattened cardboard boxes to make a sibling for you.”

I could tell the half finished model was not impressed. Mostly because there was no reply.

“FINE! I’ll work on you this weekend. ARE YOU HAPPY?!”

“I want a mate.”


“I want a mate. You made me this way. Make me a mate that I can relate too.”

“Dude...this isn’t Frankenstein.”

It harrumph at me then replied, “Just make sure you’re fingers free of epoxy, ok? I’ve still got that spot on my back.”

“Sure buddy, I can do that.”

“Oh, and one more thing.”


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