Artemis-I (AXM Model)

Made a little more progress over the weekend.

Boosters attached to the main core

Artemis I (17).jpg

Engines mounted to the core and booster

Artemis I (18).jpgArtemis I (19).jpgArtemis I (20).jpg

Fuel lines and other details added and the Core Booster is done!

Artemis I (21).jpg

Starting on the Orion capsule

Orion 1.jpgOrion 2.jpgOrion 3.jpg

Orion's Heatshield

Orion 4.jpg

Capsule and Heatshield assembled; just need to wait for the glue to dry!
Orion 5.jpg
I don't like to use petals to attach tubes, but you sure seem to know how to use them effectively. Well done!! :)
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Those tabs are the bane of paper modeling. They should be cut off, and strips off paper glued to one section, fitted, then once aligned, glued. The paper tabs connected like that through the next piece off of the same plane of the parts, and it is virtually impossilgle to get a tight invisible seam. :)
Well took a while but put the finishing touches on Artemis I today!

Second stage cover assembled

Orion 16.jpgOrion 17.jpg

Details added to Orion's service module

Orion 18.jpg

Second stage completed (shown with and without the cover)

Second Stage.jpgSecond Stage-with cover .jpg
Stacked on to the core stage:
Second Stage  Stacked.jpg

And Artemis I is done!
(side by side with Shuttle Endeavour for scale)
Artemis Complete-1.jpgArtemis Complete-2.jpgArtemis Complete-3.jpg

Another awesome model in the books!