Alguien tiene informacion o recuerdos de los Recortables Royal?

Soy un reciente miembro aqui, y parte de mi interes en este grupo era que tenia una seccion internacional. Soy fundamentalmente de EEUU pero nacido en Chile donde pase algunos años cuando niño. Ahi conseguia unos recortables en cartulina bajo la marca Royal. Hay poca informacion en el net y sospecho que es la misma compañia de los recortables Toray por que las tapas usan el mismo diseño.

Recuerdo que gran parte de los recortables eran soldados de carton, pero si recuerdo unos que tenian maquetas de satellites, cohetes y buques de la armada (que nunca me quedaron bien). De lo que mas estoy curioso es de los cohetes y naves espaciales y las maquetas contenidas en la publicacion. Compre un monton de estos recortables en un viaje ya mas the treinta años atras, pero lo unico que encuentro ahora es una publicacion dedidicado a cowboys y indios

zubie (zubi)
(p.d. perdone las faltas de ortografia, pero es raro para mi escribir en Castellano estos ultimos años)
I have no idea of these coming out in the U.S., so I don't know what to say except dig deep into Google! Sera posible que la uniqa manera vas a ser que to lo haces otra vez? :)
I seriously doubt they ever did. They were printed in a relatively large book format, about 10 pages of cardstock. Besides a few models per issue (typically one per page), they also had paper soldiers and backdrops for war game playing (nothing fancy, we're talking the 7-10 yo crowd). They also carried paper dolls. I'm curious about the subjects because I want to know how well they fitted to any actual hardware. My recollection is fuzzy but I do know the models were very simple, although my own didn't turn out too well. Mucilage combined with my childhood talent didn't lend itself to good results. It was also a frequent present when I was sick in bed, which was relatively often between the ages of 7 and 9 in the late 60s and early 70s.

I'm curious about their current status (basically is their work "orphaned" at this point, or is it still being issued by someone). They seem to have printed things as late as the 80s and because the models and publishing format is the same, I suspect it is the same company responsible for the "Recortables Toray" brand that I think is how they were published in Spain.