AC-30(130)-65A firetruck by NovaModel build log.

Hello all
One more update, pretty small.
So, I made and mounted the side waterline ports and then moved to main water hose casings. These are represented as 4 red tubes mounted on the rear compartment roof.
I really don't like making long thin tubes from paper, especially when the parts are covered with thick Americana finisher layer. It makes paper really stiff and hard to fold without breaking the paper texture.
But, I managed. The trick was using my wife's knitting needles and wetting the inside side of the part to be rolled.
Then I wanted to switch to ladders, but I mistakenly cut it with the knife. So I decided to stop
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Hello all

This time quite large update. I am getting closer to a finish line with this model.
Continued with the three stages ladder, some wire parts and then switched to manual fire line reel. This reel was used to speed up the firetruck setup process. I wasn't careful enough with the cutting out the ladder's stages (don't drink and drive, I mean cut. But, this Tucher Dunkel Hefeweizbier was too good to stop), so I glued the stages to 170 gsm paper and cut it out. Attached the stages, prepared two bearers from paper clip wire and mounted the ladder.
Then made two wire parts that connect to main lines tubes. These are used as rails usually. Then made the two conical ejectors and mounted them on the roof. These are used to insert the air to the stream of water with foaming agent to create foam
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Then I built the mobile fire hose reel. This reel was carried on the back of the firetruck. When arriving on scene, one or two of the firefighters would remove the reel and begin rolling off the line while the truck was being parked and set up.
Not too difficult, just need to be careful and have a lot of superglue handy. For black round wire part on the reel sides I used a black wire from broken USB cable.
After mounting the reel on the back, I made the hand rails on the roof.
Also added the front towing hooks, which I set aside while making the frame. I was afraid I would loose them while handling the model.
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Good job on this model, Boris!
Yes it brings memories.
By the way, you remember that there is still waiting another nostalgic model of a crane, for you? ;)
To summarize this journey
The model is not bad at all.
There are some places where need to be careful.i wouldn't advise this model to beginner, medium plus skills are required.
What I didn't like is a simplified front grill and bad fit between front door, the wings and the part below the windshield.
Also, exhaust manifold and tubes leading to the muffler are missing from design and have to be made somehow else.
Also, the rear compartment is without formers and is quite flimsy
My biggest mistake was to cover the parts with a too many layers of Ameticana finisher. It made the parts very stiff and made the build difficult, requiring to use solvent-based glue, which I hate.

In all, it's a good model
Thank you for following and thank you for your supportive posts.
That was a great journey.