A railroad museum in progress

Here I will show the progress of a friends railroad museum built on a modular layout.

My friend and I are living in Dresden/Germany and we are members of a big US modeling community in area. In good times 25 US rr friends meet to special events.
The next event will be a big model railroad exhibition here in Dresden at February/15 to 17 and we US modeller will exhibit a 100' long modular layout with a point to point service. Part of this layout is the fictive rr station Shelbyville/ohio with the growing steam time rr museum.

Enjoy the first pictures.



See also my other threads where I have written about scratch built parts used for this museum.

- A light barrier
- Crossing shanty
- Billboards
- A small loco shed for a railroad museum

Excellent! I look forward to seeing the progress. I believe I see a UP 4-8-4, an NYC USRA light 2-8-2, the DeWitt Clinton, and the John Bull. I love the crossing shanty.

te models are a very randem choiced models with a small background.
The DeWitt Clinton and the John Bull are very old engines in reality so that they sould be protected against rain and storm. This was the basic for a discussion with my friend and we should build a loco or train shed for these models. The main thought is that the locos must be visible for visitors and guests and a closed engine house is'n the solution.

So I think that we don't have had a bad idea and realisation will be seen in a few days. Let surprise you.

Cool! I agree that the 1830's engines should be under roof...although feel that way about all steam locomotives! I've seen the John Bull before (a few times), as well as a video of when she was restored to operation 25 years ago. I've also seen the replica of the DeWitt Clinton in the Henry Ford museum. I really enjoy early railroad equipment. Some day I'll have a small layout of the late 1830's.
Model railroad exhibition in Dresden/Germany in Febr. '08

In weekend February/15/16/17/2008 was held a great model railroad exhibition and a group of U.S. modelers living in Dresden/Germany and area exhibited a very large US-layout. This layout was one of around 20 other model layouts however all others layouts were built with German themes in all scales.

We modeler of U.S. railroad scene of Dresden/Germany have created this large U.S. model layout after a small start in last year with different US-modules which are owned by members of this modeler group.
While exhibition we did not prefer a special theme or specific period because interests of members of our group are very different. Model trains were a mixture from 1970 to 1990 including a good number of passenger trains pulled by steam locos declared as historic steam train events.

We have started this year with a steam loco museum as part of a friend’s station Shelbyville/Ohio in order to show the visitors and guests a few more and older steam locos and different historic rolling stock and I think this was a good idea. Nearby each of our visitors searched the model of Big Boy (as running loco) and nobody missed the youngest diesel loco generation.

Our layout was built in a L-shape with lengths of 65’ and 30’ and this was the largest dimensions that we could realize while exhibition. Trains did run in a point to point service with a few switching at ends. The layout was fully digitalized without powerless tracks of museum. In next year we will exhibit again while next expo and we are sure to show many more and new details and improvements of the modules.


Look this first picture for our own fun while exhibition.







And here a few pictures of the museum - go in.





The museum's Challenger UP 3985 in action.






And last ...


... a few of the members of US modelers here in Dresden/Germany and area.
I am as "Models-of-1900" and author of this short description I'm the senior of our group (without special rights) standing before the column.

Here I will insert additionaly three links showing picture galeries and albums of my friends with 100 and more pictures from this event. Click and enjoy!
(Links are inserted without a rating.)

Exhibition gallery - 1

Exhibition gallery - 2

Exhibition gallery - 3

I think that I can get a few more pictures also with German themes and so I hope for one or two more posts in this thread.

Thanks for posting the pics! I recognize that distinct Colorado Midland reefer! And your barrel car, flat car, and museum. I also look forward to seeing the German themed pictures.
Very cool project! Though, I must say, it's much more well kept than most American museums are.

German themes - a small selection

Now I can show a few pictures with German model railraod themes which was shot by a friend. He has choiced the smaller scenes in most cases. However also these pictures are a small selection of a many wider modeling scene showing while exhibition. Look!


















The last addition will be a link to the official web galery that will published by the organizer of this exhibition in next days. I think there will be 120 or 150 pictures of all layouts with a wide spectrum.

Bernhard, Thank you so much for the show photos !! The US Modular is stunning - excellent modeling (and modelers, though some of them could use a little more weathering !), and most impressive German RRs, loved the station with the Newly-weds on the platform (is that narrow gauge ?), and the Passenger yard with the spider-web of catenary. Thanks, again. Bob C.
Bernhard, Thank you so much for the show photos !! The US Modular is stunning - excellent modeling (and modelers, though some of them could use a little more weathering !), Bob C.


I know these problems.
The station with the railroad museum as sample was a work of last two months before exhibition and we were lucky that we received workable modules. However I will speek with all the module owners for your comment and I'm sure that we will have a lot more aging, weathering and detailing while next exhibition in 2009.
I plan to build two very nice wood structures as addings to museum and these struktures will not look like new. That can I promise!

You are right, this scene shows a norrow gauge rr. - 750 millimeters or in US-terms HO n2 [FONT=&quot]½[/FONT].
And that what you can't know - this station, station building and details like first five pictures also are built after originals of an original narrow gauge railroad that was located near in area of my home city Dresden/Saxony in Germany. Unfortunately this railroad like a few others does not longer exist however we have in area alone two narrow gauge areas with steam locos in regulary daily service. These are highlights for visitors coming from whole Germany and many other countries of the world.

It is cool to see modelers building structures based on local prototypes.

I wish I would have picked up an HOe 0-6-2t when I was in Germany a couple years ago...instead I bought an HO 2-10-2. I now find myself checking ebay for 0e magic trains from Fleischman.