A few Traction pics

Hi Chris.
A few comments. The CN stations dominated one whole section of the NMRA contest table, but I don't know what prizes he got. Most of them had merit awards with over 100 points.
The first little layout you showed is Underneath the Arches and has 3 or 4 gauges on it - from O standard on down through OnHO to OnN. The builder's forte is figure painting.
I remember seeing that car barn on the Grand River Rly in Preston when it was still electric (no passenger service). There were no frogs in the overhead -- each siding wire came back and ran parallel to the main line wire for a distance. They used poles and had to shift from wire to wire by hand. In more recent years, my wife and I have picniced in park next to it. The barn was torn down not too many years ago.
Enough!! Stop Already! Agggh! The TORTURE!! (Yeah, Right.)

Originally posted by interurben
...I will finish now. I think you must have had enough...

Just TRY to bore us with such splendid pictures, Chris. I DARE you. No, I double-dog dare you.:D :D

Always a pleasure to see your beautiful traction work, and a special added bonus to see other layouts, and dioramas as well. Did I even spot one in On30??

Thanks for posting these pictures. It's the next best thing to being there.:)
Thanks ever so much

Thanks for the kind comments friends.
Yes Steve you did see a On30;)
David thanks a bunch for the added info,, I had a good chat with the Grand River chaps as they came over to get a good look at our overhead and the way we join the sections together.
They tell me the GRR units were built with strong roofs to accomadate Pantagraphs, and I wondered if that was why there were no frogs at the switches??
What a shame they stayed with pole operation:(
If I build a GRR it will have a pan :eek: