A beta build of AXM's new Falcon block 5

Good news, first revisions have been posted. Mostly visual details to the parts themselves no structural revisions. Will get it built and post as I go. Time to get crackin'.
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Reactions: AXM61
Thanks for posting the link. I wish more people would do that.

I look forward to seeing this. ;)
Sounds promising, chomping at the bit here! :)
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Reactions: AXM61
Just got a P.M., they are still working on the problem. ;)
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That is coming together beautifully! I really like the "real" metal finish exhausts! How were you able to accomplish it?
Oh sure, I tell you then you tell two friends then they tell two friends and next thing you know the world is covered in chrome. Just kidding I always try to use paper whenever possible for detailing I generally use silver or gold origami paper as you can glue it it will hold details if you mark it and it's really easy to work with. I use templates of what I am making with extended edges and then cut the foil and paste it on top of the original piece. Probably not the easiest way but I have had good results. I will try to get some pics for you to help explain