70 Year young Newb.

Hi Rhaven, that is the Earth Directorate Rifle from B.R. And yes, the scope was put on Backwards. I'd love to have one of those as well. Thanks.

Raven, That IS the Colonial Rifle!!!!!!! I talked with the fellow who designed it and He said that it WAS the Colonial Rifle. BTW, I'm trying. That was my plan and picture that George took of it. I still remember how the original was made. Larsen's productions ha d a habit of reusing props much in the same way Irwin Allen did. The above rifle was designed very shortly after the show became a weekly. It was used by the Eastern Alliance because by the time that particular show was filmed the prop budget had been cut drastically! I got that from Glen Larsen himself at the "30 Yahren Reunion Con". As You can see, the plans are about 7/8th full size.

I hope this helps. If You want, P.m. me and I'll fill You in on the details of it.

Cheers, Guys,

Now that makes sense! Great background info, I love those stories from back then. I think I got the picture from byyourcommand.net but a good set of dimensions would be highly appreciated. :)
Welcome to Zealot! Nice work you have posted. Thank you for your service. From those of us whom's disability prevented them from serving, it means a lot, a real lot. ;)