3D oxide paint


Master of Reality Modeling
Jun 10, 2011
Hello everyone.
Some of you have asked me for a tutorial on some of the oxide techniques I use. Well, I tried to do something about it.
I do not know if it will be what you expect, anyway, I hope it will be useful for you.
Many times we want to give a certain hyper-realistic aspect to some pieces.
I want to show you how to paint the rust effect with 3D texture.
In this case we are going to paint a metal part, specifically a union with reduction of diameters.
To do this, we will use a simple plastic cap to which we will give the most realistic appearance, resembling a piece exposed to the outdoors.


For this work we will need:
Priming in light color.
Cream color paint
Color oxide paint
Black transparent finish paint.


We will also use alcohol.
In this case it is preferable to use alcohol in gel. But if it is not available, a 96 ° will be enough.


We take the plastic cap and wash it well with soap and water, to remove any traces of dirt, dust, grease, or the product that contained the base of the cap itself.
We will hold it on the inside with tweezers


Apply a primer coat with a brush in any light color.


With a cream color, we apply several layers, WITHOUT allowing to dry between the layers, giving more thickness in some areas and even completely covering the transparency of the plastic.
It is important to create areas with more thickness than others, since this will help us to give the perfect touch to the wear of the material by corrosion.


We took some black transparent finishing paint.


We paint the edges of the piece with black.


And the lower and upper part, randomly leaving some areas unpainted in black.


We diluted some rust-colored paint in a few drops of gel alcohol.


Until getting a thick but fluid consistency.


We give a first layer of rust.
We try to paint more in the areas painted in the firts steps.


Repeat the previous step several times, especially in the thickest areas.


With dry brush and cream color, we highlight the whole piece very smoothly.
And we have it finished.

Hope you like it and find it helpul.

Wow, that was right to the point!! Excellent!! When I made plastic models, I would mix rust off of rusty metal pieces and mix it with satin clear coat paint, then while drying, would sprinkle more Rust on the surface while tack. This gave a real texture (as a rust molecule is 17 times bigger than the steel it replaces). This method means I can stay indoors!!

Your work speaks for itself. You took a plastic spray cap and made it look like a rusty funnel. Very believable, great technique. ;)
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Thank you very much.
I just try to make something simple. A plastic cap is a non expensive item to use for practice.
It's one thing to make a model, but you miniaturize reality and on almost everything I have seen from you, it would be impossible to tell it was not the real thing except that you give a reference so the viewer can relate. That's art!

I'm moving this to the "Tools of the Trade" section, "Tips and Facts". :)
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Thank you very much again Zathros.
It is very nice to receive compliments from fellow hobbyists.
And on the other hand, that forces us to improve day by day.

Have a very nice day


It's very kind when someone shares their technique. The techniques, and the intent of sharing, bring us all closer together. :)
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