30's Service Station & junk yard.

Thank you very much for the honour.
Now, I can't post anything with less quality... oops !!!



The good thing is, we will continue to help you to improve your skills help you learn new tips and techniques so that you will always make better models.

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Thank you very much for the honour.
Now, I can't post anything with less quality... oops !!!

LOL! According to what I have already seen from you I doubt this is possible! ;) You could make movie miniatures.

One question: Which materials did you use? Is it paper / card or did you use real wood?
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Model Junkyard a nice site, very nice, but damn, those books at Model Junkyard are really expensive. Also, 3 .pdf download for $47.00 dollars!! That is too much. We do not charge anything here at Zealot. We do not allow anyone to charge for anything they do here at Zealot. Our archives have a tremendous, decades worth of information that can be had for free, and we have some of the best designers in the world. They do not go by their public names, but they are here. I could understand a nice magazine for $15 or $20 bucks, but for downloaded media, that is just too much, and besides, in this case, I can't see what Xavier would have to gain. His work is better than anything I have seen there, though there is some great stuff there, that has to be said. It just seems that when you want the really good stuff, it's time to empty the pockets. No subscriptions here. Much to be gained, for participation given. Many eager to learn, for dissemination. Pleasure to be had for those coming and going. This is the big difference with Zealot, we are trying to give those people who wish to give their work away, and teach, be taught, all of the above, for FREE! There are enough sites that charge.

You will find that you can get much here, and not pirated stuff either, FREE! We do not allow pirating, and that will get anyone banned instantly (unless it is an honest mistake, and you only get on shot at that.).

Want some background flats, check out this link. More than any single human could use in a life time. Some of these can be greebled to life, and have been.

Link = http://zealot.com/threads/background-flats.171153/

Sorry if I come off defensive. I could easily open a website, offer all kinds of things and make money. i have already been asked too. I like this site, especially as of late. It brings out the best in people, and it also seems that the best of people are finding their way here, without dollar signs. The owners ask nothing of us. They give us much support, more than can be imagined. It is Sanjay, and CrowdGather that make this site able to be FREE for the members. It is also the work of an amazing I.T. named Enzo Tan, that keeps it all going so well. This is why we can exchange ideas, plans, information, emails, and share community so well. It's also why we have such a sh*tload of models, as some of the best model designers are letting us host their work, we (the whole of ZEALOT) have earned their trust, and they are here also! :)
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That is a great build! I really like the Ford sign! :D
Thank you.
The Ford sign is the design of the brand for 30's decade. Easy to find in the net. Just print and glue in a small piece o wood.


Hello Zathros.
I agree with you in regards to the spirit of the forum. One of the advantages of the network is the ability to find help and support, whatever your job or need. Rarely, if ever, do we stop to think about the work that is in the opening and maintenance of a forum. It's easy to think that is effortless, but it is not.
On the other hand, I understand that people use the net as a way to earn a living, and how that may clash head on with the principles of some who offer their work selflessly.
Honestly, I think we all have enough space to coexist.
Personally I've found some images of my dioramas, or details of any of my model in some web. Did not indicate the source. I have not lost time to claim. I just cheered me to know that someone thinks my work is good enough to use for advertising.
I guess ... new times, new ideas.
After all, are more things we have in common, that make us go on sites like this, than those which divide us.
Anyway, much appreciated the existence of sites like ZEALOT, offering us all an equal opportunity to show our work, and to learn from others.

Best Regards,

Oh, I feel you on the money angle with Model Junkyard, Z... Speaking for myself, I'm happy for them they can make whatever money they do, more power to them and all that, and I'm happy to have a look, you know, take note of what they'll show me for free--- but I've not seen a single word from them that I felt I would pay money for myself. I told Xavier about them in that spirit of 'see what the other guy is up to', but I hope I didn't sound like I was endorsing them as somehow above-and-beyond (just as you hoped to not sound defensive about it--- and I don't think you did; your post was quite rational).

To tell you the truth, I have purchased many models from designers, trying to learn, and probably more than half of them I have been vastly disappointed in. Especially considering certain comparisons to better work that other designers give away for free... well, in some cases it made me lose all respect for the person I paid that money to. To see what they consider high-quality work, good enough to be paid for... sometimes its been very disillusioning for me. One such person, who I had a bad interaction with, and who is kind of 'big' on another forum, I have been able to find that he's perfectly willing to copy something (that is, steal) from another modeler in another country and sell that work tucked into his own, as his own.

But, on the brighter side, seeing some of that nonsense is also what has convinced me that there's better--- better ways, better work, and better people... and that there's plenty of room in the cardmodeling world for that good work to shine. Not a few times I thought I 'had' a particular model, only to find that the one that exists is so bad, that we still need a good one!

Sorry to take things to such a dark side of the subject, but the overall idea is positive--- it's why I'm here (instead of elsewhere) and why what's going on here, with these people here, shines out in the cardmodel world: a shining light in the darkness. (not to say there's more bad then good... I don't think I believe it's that bad out there.)
I'm not sure if is a good idea or not. But, I have this building and my purpose is to put near
the gas station. Is a restaurant.











This is 100% wood. Except the ads.
What do you think... is a good idea or not ? O better the gas station alone. ?
Hope you like it. !


You're a time machine. It's an extraordinary work. Congratulations.
Thanks Ronald !!!!
If I was a time machine... I do not models, just win the lottery !!! lol !
I apreciate so much your kind comment.
Have a nice day !!

Oh, I feel you on the money angle with Model Junkyard, Z... Speaking for myself, I'm happy for them they can make whatever money they do, more power to them and all that, and I'm happy to have a look, you know, take note of what they'll show me for free--- but I've not seen a single word from them that I felt I would pay money for myself. I told Xavier about them in that spirit of 'see what the other guy is up to', but I hope I didn't sound like I was endorsing them as somehow above-and-beyond (just as you hoped to not sound defensive about it--- and I don't think you did; your post was quite rational).

To tell you the truth, I have purchased many models from designers, trying to learn, and probably more than half of them I have been vastly disappointed in. Especially considering certain comparisons to better work that other designers give away for free... well, in some cases it made me lose all respect for the person I paid that money to. To see what they consider high-quality work, good enough to be paid for... sometimes its been very disillusioning for me. One such person, who I had a bad interaction with, and who is kind of 'big' on another forum, I have been able to find that he's perfectly willing to copy something (that is, steal) from another modeler in another country and sell that work tucked into his own, as his own.

But, on the brighter side, seeing some of that nonsense is also what has convinced me that there's better--- better ways, better work, and better people... and that there's plenty of room in the cardmodeling world for that good work to shine. Not a few times I thought I 'had' a particular model, only to find that the one that exists is so bad, that we still need a good one!

Sorry to take things to such a dark side of the subject, but the overall idea is positive--- it's why I'm here (instead of elsewhere) and why what's going on here, with these people here, shines out in the cardmodel world: a shining light in the darkness. (not to say there's more bad then good... I don't think I believe it's that bad out there.)

I always like to check out other sites. I did not take it as you endorsing/promoting/being excessive at all, about that the site, and even if you did, there's no problem with that. If you endorsed it in every post you made, then it might be, but I often refer to sites that sell products, or have things of interest. I would recommend people looking there, and at anywhere they find interesting. I would hope so, right? There is some really awesome stuff at the aforementioned site.. It was a bit too sterile for me, but just look at my Avatar, that should be a good indication of where I am at. I don't begrudge people making money either.

We are fortunate that CrowdGather gives us the opportunity to express ourselves on this forum we call Zealot. It works for them and us. That being said, there is a lot that can be had for FREE here that I see being charged for at other forums. Also, if you don't see it, and need it, like information, help in designing a part, help in learning software, or even having a part designed for a model you are making, usually, all you need be is a member in good standing, and you will get or find a way to get what you need, and it is FREE! I love that word, FREE! I have designed parts for many people. Truth be told, I like designing parts more than designing a whole model, (which is why I don't release any), and hold in such high esteem those who do. It is, and has been my motivation for getting this forum back on it's feet. Now, with Rhaven, and our Moderation team, I can stop pulling my hair out! :)

Gratuitous giving and exchange of information goes on in a lot of forums, truth be told, the giving, for free, on the level that we do, is a great thing. We try to set an example. I've learned it from sites like, www.paper-replika.com, and http://papermau.blogspot.com/, and others. Reading through this forum, you will find many many more sites. Many of the owners of these sites are members here . The commonality of free models, and free exchange of idea and technique being the common bond. This creates a great network, and realm to explore. We have an community of selfless people here that is quite excellent, in my opinion, and no one here fights, or picks on anyone else. That is something Zealot can be proud of, being a safe harbor, nice and peaceful. It's all good. :)
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