2001: A Space Odyssey EVA pod finished!

No doubt that was plastic, or covered with filler and sanded by a mold maker. It came out really nice. Some more info, like where you got it, how much it cost, would be nice. You can post plastic model build threads. That would have been an interesting one. :)
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No doubt that was plastic, or covered with filler and sanded by a mold maker. It came out really nice. Some more info, like where you got it, how much it cost, would be nice. You can post plastic model build threads. That would have been an interesting one. :)
Sorry. Wrong section. :) I bought it online at activepowersports.com. It was $123.50, which was the cheapest I found among the online hobby shops. Then I realized I didn't have decal solvent, so I had to order that later (my town has nothing in the way of real hobby shops!) I was debating between this model and the model of the 2001: A Space Odyssey Discovery, but the EVA pod won out. Much more fun to build...maybe...then again...no. No I'm not going to buy the Discovery! No. Can't. No money. But I'm getting a bonus next month so maybe...no. Stop. But..but..but I want it! WAAAH! Stupid money! Oh well, as I said this was a super fun build and the parts fit very well. Had a bit of trouble with the arms not wanting to go together, but with some sanding, scraping, and cursing they did.
Those models aren't cheap anymore, if you can find them. I don't keep u on plastic models much but last years i sold one I purchased for $50 buck s a long time ago, and go the better part of $300 dollars for it (original, plastic on box 1/8th scale Jaguar XKE, Monogram), I still have one more). ;)
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You know, I seem to remember having the Jaguar model many many years ago. I've gone through so many phases with models. Cars, trucks, tanks, aircraft, spaceships, and even a U.S.S Constitution sailing ship. I guess it's good that the real hobby shop here in my town closed! But then the evil internet came about and now if I want I can buy anything! MUAH HAHAHA! Er...anyway.
The pod looks amazing! The cost of plastic is what got me into paper :) I'm currently building a P-38 Lightning with my 6 year old son. Let's just say that we're not sticking to the correct paint plan...
Same here. Plastic models are outrageously overpriced. So is the paint. Then again, printer ink is kinda costly too. But nowhere near as bad as plastic. Plus, when I screw up I can reprint the page. I still love plastic models though.
Same here. Plastic models are outrageously overpriced. So is the paint. Then again, printer ink is kinda costly too. But nowhere near as bad as plastic. Plus, when I screw up I can reprint the page. I still love plastic models though.
This is one of the main reasons why I got into paper/cardstock model building as well. Not only that, but there are far more SCI-FI models available in paper/cardstock than there are in all mediums combined.