12 la douce


Apr 15, 2012
my company made a partnership with an author of a new belgium graphic novel about an old engine from the 40s, the Type 12 Pacific.
There is an interesting website here about the novel and the engine
The reason I am posting this is that I have access to the 3d model which is describe at this page
http://www.12-ladouce.com/en/the-12004.html (look at the video at the bottom).
And I think I could use it as the basis for a paper model. I don't have much experience in actually creating models but I think I can start making a simple one then try to unfold more complex elements.

I wonder if some of you would be interested in helping.
Best regards
The nose of that train and some of the curved surfaces would be tough. I would have to see the 3D model you have to tell absolutely. Interesting train. :)
did you see the videos at the bottom of the page which show the model? To be honest they had a big presentation today at work on what they did including a walk of the 3d model with explanations of the different part of the engine and that is what I saw of it I haven't had the time to actually access the server and manipulate the model as I had actual work to do.