1:16 Space Shuttle flight deck

The filaments look really interesting and I will remember them in case I need a strip light on something, Thanks for showing this!
Every one understands that our hobby just has to sit on the shelf when there is just not enough time in a day to do things we would like to do after we deal with those we have to do!
I hope you are detailed on how you use these filaments. They are such an efficient way to use and light up any size model. They come in so many diameters, and one LED light will brighten many filaments, which means, 4 LED's will give you virtually all the colors you need. :)
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Your shuttle cockpit would make such a wonderful teaching tool for science classes, im in the hopes that you might make it availible to us at some point down the line. I would love to have a crack at it.
... im in the hopes that you might make it availible to us at some point down the line. I would love to have a crack at it.

Yes, for sure. I promised it and I will do. I don't know when... Perhaps I should publish the interior parts as a stand alone model while I work on the outside. Stay tuned ;)
That's a HUGE undertaking. If and when you do it, it will be done. Besides your current project is quite nice too!

eagleclaw , Why not, when you can download it (from our Resource Section), download Tonino's Balilla Italian car model. It is an excellent size, and is one of the most beautiful car models I have ever seen. :)

Hi friends!
This is my first "thread recovery" after the big crash.
I carefully checked ALL the posts in this thread and replaced all the missing images.
I hope that all is now restored exactly in the same form it was before.
Please let me know if you see something strange or a broken link.

Hope you still enjoy this build chronicle

Tonino, my hats off to you, for restoring your thread, and re-uploading your Beautiful Balilla!:King: