32 or 33?


New Member
Jun 22, 2010
Quezon Province, Philippines
i have seen aircraft models in 1:32 and 1:33, i feel the difference of one is not really noticeable but i just want to know why would someone create a model in 1:33 when 1:32 is the more common scale...(or is it vice versa?)
One scale is kinda the norm in Europe (32) and the other is more the norm in America (33) not sure why, I suppose we just like to mess with stuff.....

That's interesting. I would have expected 1:32 to be the (old) British and American scale, being 3/16 inch to the foot. In the metric world 1:33 (or in fact probably 1:33.333...) would make more sense. I agree with MBig, though - in the face of all the other discrepancies the difference is unlikely to matter much for us lesser mortals.

Polish airplane models are usually in 1:33, too.
Imperial vs. metric is the right trace to answer. Pretty much the same as with 1:48 vs. 1:50.