POLL: Line Weight in Pepakura

What's your preferred line weight?

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"0", can't make heads or tails of Pepakura. :)
actually I try to not use lines at all in Pepakura ! Cut lines I can live with at a 1 .. but no fold lines especially! I really hate seeing a really nice model with dashed lines all over it! No matter how small and light they stick out like a sore thumb.! I would rather break the thing into more chunks than have to place folds all over it! The builder always has the option in viewer to turn on fold lines to see what he need to do.. and edge matching should be enough to build the model.. and DON'T EVEN get me started on TABS/// "We don't Need No Stinking Tabs".. I think I'll make a Signature with that one!
I really hate seeing a really nice model with dashed lines all over it! No matter how small and light they stick out like a sore thumb.! I would rather break the thing into more chunks than have to place folds all over it! The builder always has the option in viewer to turn on fold lines to see what he need to do.. and edge matching should be enough to build the model..

Yeah It's especially annoying when artists lock the pdo with a password AND only supply a lined template. Without password no way to disable the fold lines. (at least there wasn't the last time I've tried on Pepakura 3.X )
Many templates I liked never got into my build queue because of this..
The thinner the better! :)
I agree.
I think for beginners or non experianced builders lines and also tabs make sense. But I also would prefer the possibility to delete the lines.
I do not skip models because of lines, but I try to "delete" them by painting the model after having finished.
Summary: The thinner the better and with the possibility to switch them of!
Starbuck does make a good point. There are some figurines I would like to build, but I would have to have the lines first. An option not to have them really covers all bases. :)