Robinson - multi ship assembly

I like the concept and having the children's book have the models in at the end. maybe a disc to print them out. Yes, write it first and have it all ready to self publish, with certified witness or a public notary [50 bucks] ( my sister is one if you need it) . It would be a good forum product.
For some reason, pain shots or strokes or just plain dumb, I thought this was a race, like those dice game battle space ship thingys I have heard of or made ships for, and we were all going to submit racers and then have a die generator move our ships along according to our personal nomenclature for our entry. Man was I on mars on that one. But I like both ideas. Maybe its a damn good idea and we should have an educational race around known astronomic courses with our own designs and capabilities. All sub-light of course and with boosts to the nebulas and star systems when we arrive at a station. blah blah blah, I do go on.

That actually sounds like a good idea. Racing is Racing. Just plain Solar System racing using known components from different series ship engines, kit bashed to make something semi original. Star Fury Engines from Babylon 5 kit bashed into some kind of exotic Solar Racer. :)
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I like the concept and having the children's book have the models in at the end. maybe a disc to print them out. Yes, write it first and have it all ready to self publish, with certified witness or a public notary [50 bucks] ( my sister is one if you need it) . It would be a good forum product.
For some reason, pain shots or strokes or just plain dumb, I thought this was a race, like those dice game battle space ship thingys I have heard of or made ships for, and we were all going to submit racers and then have a die generator move our ships along according to our personal nomenclature for our entry. Man was I on mars on that one. But I like both ideas. Maybe its a damn good idea and we should have an educational race around known astronomic courses with our own designs and capabilities. All sub-light of course and with boosts to the nebulas and star systems when we arrive at a station. blah blah blah, I do go on.

Hmmm.. nice idea. An educational / fun game for kids and kids at heart. I like it!

Sky Seeker
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They would probably steal it from him. Paramount stole Babylon-5 from it's creator and turned it into "Deep Space 9", after winning the lawsuit, the settlement was that Babylon 5 would be funded. Even posting anything publicly without copyright protection is throwing it to the wind. One thing is that this forum establishes a timeline, and tat can be useful in a lawsuit. :)

Jan should copyright this! This story has great potential for a story arc that involves each ship with the overall thread of the joined ships forming the Robinson Complex connecting each book.

Sort of like the incarnations of immortality series done by Piers Anthony back in the 90's.

Book 1 - Death - On a Pale Horse
Book 2 - Time - Bearing an Hourglass
Book 3 - Fate - With a Tangled Skein
Book 4 - War - Wielding a Red Sword
Book 5 - Nature - Being a Green Mother
Book 6 - Evil - For Love of Evil
Book 7 - God - And Eternity

There's a book 8, but I think he should have stopped at book 7.

Sky Seeker
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OK here as promised earlier are the pics for Ship #4 - the Ion Refinery.

All pieces in roughly numerical order before assembly.

The central body. Note the marks next to the "9". These are for the cutting in to the body for the placement of the magnets. Note also part #9 above the main body with the magnets already installed.

Verifying the magnet alignment.


Hole cuts for the magnets.

Piece #9 in place on the main body.

Magnets in position on the main body. Note the two side magnets for joining up with the Orca - ship #2 and the upper and lower magnets for the mini ships. Will show the mini ships attached as soon as I get the iron filings for attraction.
Assembled parts ready for attachment to the main body.

Front section. Including parts #6, 7, 8 joined to the front nose cone.

Front attached to the main body. This attachment was TOUGH! Everything kept on popping out. What worked in assembling this was starting at the top with four glue tabs on either side of the center red arrow (when assembling you'll know what I'm talking about). Wait till the glue dries, then work your way around until you get to the bottom. You can press from the rear of this part for this piece. For the rear piece - good luck!


Rear piece assembled to the rear of the main body. This assembly was VERY difficult (see above)! This time you can't reach from the rear of the assembly to maintain the glue tabs in contact with the surface. This was overcome allowing one portion to overlap the side of the main body. Although you could fashion a mini hook from a paper clip to bow the main body outwards slightly to keep the cylinder in round shape.

Note also the main wing (lower left), rear engine (top right), and wings or fins (center) and front assembly (lower right).

That's it for now.

Sky Seeker
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More pics - Ship #4 - Ion Refinery

Attachment of the mini fins or wings about the main body. Note that once the initial attachment is made on the bottom of the body with a light amount of glue once that is set then apply a thicker amount of glue as seen on the top fin or wing.


Rear engine attached to the rear part of the main body. You need to apply enough force such that the rear part of the main body buckles just slightly inward so that it is concave. Then hold the part in place until the glue sets. The first time I assembled this I put the engine on the front by mistake. :facepalm::eggonface::hammerhead:Always remember that Jan know what he is doing with his designs and trust the designer.:pompus:
The engine should fit as shown above flush with the surrounding design.

Main wing fitted onto the main body. Note the excess amount of glue to reinforce the attachment of the main wing.


Front assembly joined to the main body. Make sure that the nose cone fits onto the main body front and the the main body front is slightly dished in or concave.



Side view

Front view

Rear view. Note the rear strut extending from the center of the main wing to the engine. This really helps in stabilizing the main wing to the main body.

Front right view
Front left view

Rear view - ok I like that strut. It Struts it's stuff!:biggrin:

The Ion Refinery joined to the Orca and the Beam Catcher.

This assembly is sure getting big! It's over a foot across!:surprise:

This was the toughest ship to assemble thus far!:robot3: Cylinders always seem to be difficult (but not impossible) to build! :headbange::realmad::noteeth::noteeth::noteeth::violin::pompus::triplets::blueface:

That's it for now!:):Grin:

Sky Seeker
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This is coming together nicely! Keep up the GREAT WORK!!!
I see greebling potential with these models.

Oh yes most definitely!thumbsup:yesyes: Thanks for your kind support! :) Working on the basic assembly first then onto the redesign of certain pieces for greebling. Some ships may have to be redone. Not sure about what I'll have to do until building is complete. Sort of like what you've done with the Thunderfighters. You don't know what should be changed or added until you've built the model.

Sky Seeker
Ship #5 - Next Liner - more pics

Assembly of the main piece with nose cone & rear engine upper left. Lower center - addition of a magnet for the small fighters and start of the assembly of the main wing.

Close up main wing.

Main wing assembled. Make sure that you pay attention to the alignment of the front edge with the "foot " of the wing.

That's it for now.

Sky Seeker
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Fighter attachment.

I've finally received a shipment of fine metal filings. What is done is that you first apply glue onto a cardstock piece. Next you sprinkle some metal filings onto the glued area then allow the glue to dry. Next you apply another layer of glue to lock in the metal filings like a sandwich or laminate of glue.

When dried the glued sandwich looks like this. Magnets attract this quite well. As a result you don't need to put magnets on the model fighters.
Glue has been applied to the bottom of each fighter, filings are then sprinkled on the glue areas, the glue is allowed to dry and then more glue is applied on too of the filings. See below.


Glue dried. Fighters ready to mounted on to the main ship.

Fighters mounted on to the Rea Liner - Ship #1

The above process will now be used on all of the mini fighters / ships for the Robinson Assembly.

Sky Seeker


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Ship #5 - Next Liner more pics

Main body joined to nose cone.


Main body with engine assembled and engine fin joined to engine. Winglets (lower left) ready to be joined to main body. Upper mini wing assembled.

Upper wing joined to main body.


Left winglet attached to the main body. Note the use of excess glue to reinforce attachment AFTER initial light glue application. Join first THEN reinforce.

Right winglet connected to main body (bottom view).

Magnet applied to rear of upper assembly. Note also the upper pylon for the upper assembly with magnets for joining to another ship the Solar Explorer - Ship #6.

Inside of the upper assembly.

Upper wing joined to main body.

Upper pylon joined to upper assembly.

Template for upper assembly - ship #6 - Solar Explorer.


Wing supports connected to main wing.


Inside Upper assembly Ship #6 - Solar Explorer.

Upper assembly & pylon assembly for ship #6 - Solar Explorer.

Magnet polarity matching - upper pylon ship #6 - Solar Explorer magnetically connected toupper pylon of ship #5 Next Liner.


The rear of the upper assembly of ship #5 - Next Liner is used to center the magnet of the rear of Ship #6 - Solar Explorer. However, when both ship are fully assembled they won't be able to dock like this (oh well).

That's it for now.

Sky Seeker


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More pics - Ship #5 - Next Liner

Metal filings applied to the inside and glued in place for possible magnetic attachment for Ship #8 - Neucom. Please note that the coating for the upper assembly for ship #6 - solar explorer should have been on the other side (oops!).
The upper assemblies of both ships #5 - Next Liner and Ship #6 - Solar Explorer are magnetically joined to the rear of the Orca - Ship #2. This is done to make sure that the polarities are right for each magnet when joined to the Orca.


Hope you've enjoyed the pics.

Sky Seeker


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Final pics - Ship #5 Next Liner

Upper assembly joined to the rest of theship. Note excess glue for additional reinforcement.


Side view


This is actually how it sits in a rest position on a surface - rear view

Top down side view

Rear view

Hope you enjoyed the build!:) Onto ship #6 - The Solar Explorer!:animated:

Sky Seeker


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Man, this model could be greebled beyond belief. It would take a long time though. :)
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Man, this model could be greebled beyond belief. It would take a long time though. :)

Actually, the greebling on each model wouldn't be that bad in comparison to the BSG Defender. Probably would take about 2 weeks for each model (roughly speaking).

Thanks for stopping on by!:)

Sky Seeker
When you're as old as I am, that's a long time. I just put the rear window into my Ford Taurus. A branch smashed though it shattering it into a billion pieces. What a job!! Full size greebling! Insurance said my car, nearly mint, V6 24 valve DOHC motor was "too old". It took me a week to find the rear glass, luckily the guy didn't know they are virtually unobtainable. $125 bucks later, and much work, it's in. :):)
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When you're as old as I am, that's a long time. I just put the rear window into my Ford Taurus. A branch smashed though it shattering it into a billion pieces. What a job!! Full size greebling! Insurance said my car, nearly mint, V6 24 valve DOHC motor was "too old". It took me a week to find the rear glass, luckily the guy didn't know they are virtually unobtainable. $125 bucks later, and much work, it's in. :):)

Damn that's impressive!:Bravo: Quite motivational as well! :bowdown::bowdown: Keep that old tech running.:)

Sky Seeker
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First ride in the rain. No leaks!, and it didn't fly off! :)
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