Substance Painter 2


Researcher of obscure between war vehicles...
Staff member
Jan 28, 2013
New Mexico USA
Just a quick view on a program I am playing with..Substance Painter 2..
It is a Mesh painter where instead of creating a UV of your object then adding your texture to the UV in some other program, you create the UV and then paint directly on the object mesh. As I play around with it I will add updates to its abilities, but I will say right is not inexpensive!! Far from it! But there are educational discounts..right now I am trying to get them to create a port to Rhino, or have Rhino create a plugin...It will port over to 3d Studio max..but that doesn't help get access to it's great texture features and Rhinos mesh flattening features for paper modeling! here are a couple images... with a couple clicks I can get this....


a few more clicks and I can add this...all in all about 5 minutes work!

and I have the new texture on the UV as seen in the center of both images! Will keep you updated here or on some of the other builds I have in the works!
Complete new approach to modeling and UV ( all UV's have to be done outside of painter) than I am used to..but not much of a problem, unless of course you have everything done and have to re-do all of it... still working on Rhino integration...NOTE: if something out there is labeled as a Bridge from one software to's's an expensive file converter! The main "Bridge" Substance to 3ds Max is a converter that takes the mesh from 3ds max and converts it to a .FBX file and loads it in Substance. To me a bridge is like the Poser Suite, where once the bridge was open work in one program showed up in the other and vise-versa! Guess those days are gone as programmers are just to LAZY now-a-days!! and Software Developers only want you to be able to use their stuff! But I is a little work I did this AM learning the ropes...going to try the FBX next as I need to isolate the individual parts with-out using masks to add different textures to different parts... but it is a start......Well guess pix upload is down for the time being..will have to do it later....
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From what I have understood 3DS Max is awfully litigious about anything that works with their software. Your work looks excellent!!
From what I have understood 3DS Max is awfully litigious about anything that works with their software. Your work looks excellent!!

Yep...3ds Max will NEVER allow anyone to create a converter for there .max mesh will never happen and anything out there that says otherwise is a bet ...make friends with someone who owns a copy and ask them to save the file in a .3ds or .obj format for you.
I just gave up on the format. if more people did that, it would squeeze them into being more inclusive. I have designed car parts, Barns, boats, airplane parts, and never needed 3D Max. I had a cracked it once, and found it to be unintuitive, and tell anyone who asks, use something else, you will get more bang for the buck.
Since my main activity is not making paper models, but real objects for real things (in the sense of not representative paper models), the texture issue is greatly over played for me, and does not translate into my reality, though I can appreciate it when I see it. People either pain, anodize, or powder, coat .etc what I make for them. :)