Wilhelmshaven Destroyer Z-37

Morning all, After another interesting night at the job I was able to finish one of the torpedo banks. Jim the radar screen was made of a frame of 22lb paper made into a reverse U channel then sandwhiched with a screening material that is used for paint buckets and power rollers. You can get it at Sears in the paint dept. I used the 5 pack because eventually my wife is going to make me "color a much bigger project" soon.
Hi Ted

Looks great, a very nice build and the torpedo tube detail is fantastic 8)

The rails you have fitted are they your own scratch built or photo etch?
If they are your own how did you make them??

Nosey sod arn't I


Finished a few more bits tonight. The ships crane and rigging was a real pain. You have to prerig the upper course, place the vertical support tube thru the bridge deck, thread the crane support onto the vertical member from below then hope it all fits :!: Yikes it's time for a good nightcap. In answer to a few questions the rails are photoetched 1/200 cut down a little for 1/250. The weathering is mostly computer painted. A few touch up here and there with acylics and derwent watercolor pencils. The depth charge racks leave a little to be desired but it's ok for me. I left the firehoses in the kits original yellow, it kinda adds a little color. Well a glass of Port calls, more later...
Early Saturday morning, Started on the main smoke stack. The kit part is a bare grey cylinder with a plain black cap, Oh No this won't do. I made up a kit part and using the photos inked in some vent line/rail spots. I tried to make this of card at first but it was badddd. I tried several ways to make it from one piece stainless craft wire but it looked like ---p. The I thought take it in pieces. I made up @30 "L" shaped small bits from the wire drilled holes below where the wire pipes go and then made a circle with the wire around the master stack. Then I clipped this off into a horse shoe shape then gently slipped it down the stack to rest on top of the Ls. You need superglue and accelerator to get this right. Also the closer you can get the horseshoe to the actual finished shape the easier and better it looks. Some paint and filter thing on the cap and it is done.
Hi Ted

Great idea and well done!!
Thats what the rest of us need to see, the stages of trial and error to the finish work of art :D

Thanks for the answer on the rails, I think thats the way I will go although I do like making them myself the time is better spent card bashing.

Your next tips as soon as you can :roll:

From the final result I'd say it was time well spent in the trial and error! :D And I have a little experience with trial and error, mostly error. :lol:

Great looking stack!

Looking forward to more when you can. :wink:


Hi guys,it's been busy not much work. The kit 20mm singles are ok a little color and a magazine and they seem fine. Top of pic center. The quad 20s seem to be putting a speed bump in things. The kit 20 quad is in the left upper corner the color is ok but a little sparse in detail. I added a few detail parts (actually they all seem lost in that small space.) the other problem is one of color. In the machine the colors seem ok good contasts and the parts took the weathering well. But the printed parts all seem too dark and the detail seems to get lost in one lump of ugly gray. Also I added a few plank lines to the ships boats and wooded the top deck. It seems ok. The 37s are on the assembly line too but I'm running into the same problem as the quads too dark and the detail is lost. Well back to the drawing board.
Amazing work, Ted! :shock:

Whatever you did it payed off in wonderful details. I appreciate the collage of photos, it nicely shows all the work you put into these parts.

I look forward to your next post, when you can. :D

Happy Holidays!!


Well after 2-3 recolors and rebuilds finally settled on finished flak guns. There is a point where you have to balance the difference between building all the details of a particular piece of equipment and what is practical, and most of all, what you see as a finished SCALE representation. I read this in an old scale model article. Anyhows over this particular hump, more to come.....
Some holiday construction pics,(after 2 X-mas meals much present opening by children and wife and in-laws). The mainmast is dry fitted to the deck. It still needs a few more aerials, and small thingys. The fwd stack is complete, and the scratch built radar is in place. The range finders were redone with a little better detail. If I didn't replace and "do-over" some of these little bits I probably could've built 2 of these things :!: Hope the holidays finds everyone well. More to come...
Hi Ted



Great thread, loads of new things for me to try out :D

More when you can, Amazing detail well worth looking at 8)

Thankyou one and all, you are a great bunch of guys. Today I'll be trying to finish the fwd bits, mainmast last of the bridge add ons etc , then move midships and finish the flak deck. No pics yet just woke up and ate breakfast, family has lots of birthday things they think I want to do, but I just want to build :!: Santa and the bithday elves were kind, (so was e-bay) and I'm expecting a load of old favourites, including an old fly Akagi-1-300 scale and the old GPM lexington 1-300 with the old 8" turrets in place. I was thinking of doing a series of prewar configured ships, sort of the mid to late 30's calling it something like "before the storm". The Japanese vessels were much simpler, I look at the Fuso build and just stare in wonder, and the US ships were a neat prewar grey. Anyhows thankyou all again, after my 2nd cup I'll start the little tidbits that need finished...