wheat allergy awareness


Right Hand Man and Confidant
Jul 10, 2013
I'm just trying to raise awareness about people who, when they eat wheat, swell up, have constant stabbing pains in their head, or legs or even fingertips-among most parts of their bodies. Little nuggets of dead flesh like pimples raise anywhere on their bodies. They become fatigued, and suffer symptoms that are like diabetes or Fibromyalgia. Bursts of hyperactive energy from clots of glucose being released after being stalled in the digestive track. Stiff joints and muscle sprains are common. Mental fatigue from constant pain makes the victims of this allergy whiney and irritable. mood swings and temper problems from glucose overload. the hunger pangs crave wheat products as it gives you a high, and sleep, and relief from pain initially, making the worst symptoms effective later. Blindness can occur. Also mind fog and forgetfulness. Many wheat allergy victims are diagnosed with ADD, FIBROMYALGIA, EARLY ALZHIEMERS, AND DIABETES 1&2. Probably not the interest of most people, but imagine if you were treated for these diseases ineffectually, when all you need to do is reduce your wheat intake to near zero. No bread, No crusts, No wheat binders in food, No wheat cereal, No powdered Creamers, and No wheat and sugar in regular meals.
Know anyone who has had Problems like this? get them go to an allergy specialist for tests about this, you could save them decades of suffering. Oh by the way, these poor people dont have leprosy, rabies or scabies, or herpes. Their bodies are just rejecting the refined wheat and excess glucose.
I've cut back on carbs of all kinds. I do still eat some, but search for healthy, Keto kind. A bit complicated for this venue, but worth mentioning. ;)
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That sounds like me on a good day..... minus the Little nuggets of dead flesh like pimples.
It's very sad for these people. The glucose either overloads their cells or deprives them and the cells die. Imagine suffering from this and all that needs to be done is 1, Cut out ALL processed wheat from your diet, including in vitamins and medicine in pill form as it's used as a binder. 2, Simply switch to Quinoa or another non-wheat substitute, [some use dried out cauliflower dust, which can be made from a dehydrator and ground up] and that will solve it. The poor children being mis-diagnosed of everything under the sun except the real problem. I'ts time to kick this out of the curb and back into something that can be changed.
I agree with you SA. There are other substitutes they could use as well.
Acorns for one. You boil them for about 15 min. 3 separate time in fresh water each time.
(This is to rid it of the bitter taste) Then dry them out and grind them into a powder,
and mix 1 to 1 with whatever other substitute you want, like Dandelion root.
With Dandelion root, you wash it, dry it, cut into strips and dehydrate it. Then grind
it into a powder.
There is a whole list of things from nature that you can use as substitutes for "Man Made" items.
Refined is the "key" word here. Corn Syrup is in everything, and should be only used for one thing, "Bio-diesel". People drinking Coke or Pepsi, and most other beverages like this suck down gallons of this stuff, and wonder why they have high Triglycerides in their blood. One small step to a heart attack. The artificial sweeteners in "diet' drinks is worse than sugar. Upon occasion I will drink a beverage with Cane Sugar, but that is usually not happening these days. We're surrounded by poison, and DOOMED, I say, DOOOOOMED!!! Good thing we don't live very long, imagine how horrid our conditions could get, with death always on the horizon, but never catching up. :)
I do like the fact that they have found a way to make Bio-degradable plastics from corn stocks.
About 5 to 10% of the clear food containers today are made from it. Once in the land-fills it degrades in about 2 years.
I seen this in an episode of Modern Marvels titled "Corn".

Sorry about Jacking your thread SA
No that's alright, I like what you said! I also prefer to change over to Smart Resources. more on the Wheat Allergy Awareness, is to give options, have some snacks that are made from corn or other substitutes and build that alternative food diet!