Welcome Back Catt!


Jan 18, 2002
Scotland UK
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Glad to see you back friend. See what your wife, family and all your friends pulling for you can do? :).

There's a couple of newbies since last weekend who will be wanting your advice. So get "doing" for 'em. :)

Meantime just take things easy for a while ... we only need you to do a wee bit of typing :) , nothing strenuous!:)

Hey Big Pussy-CATT, glad you are back home friend, just take it very easy for a while. You still have 8-1/2 lives left.

The Catt's profile shows his last post on March 11 - am I missing something? Anyway, welcome back if you are, amd hurry back if you're not!
Originally posted by roryglasgow
And the Catt! came back, the very next day...er...week!

Glad you're back!


...the Catt! came back, we thought he was a goner! :)p ) But the Catt! came back, he just couldn't stay away...

Danggit, Rory! See what you made me do! Now I'll have that tune in my head all day! ;)

It's good to have you back Catt! Take it easy, heal up, and come back whenever you can.
Don'tcha yall know that Catt! is like bad news ? I just won't go away:D Ain't gonna let a little thing like a triple by-pass slow me down too much.Now my wife is a different story.When shes says whoa,I "WHOA":D :D
Ya know you guys make this mod job sooooooo easy.I am happy to be back,happy to hear from all of you.Now its my turn."Thanks guys ,for being part of my life".:D
Not to bug... I'm sure the mrs' is keeping a close eye on ya'. But how big is your scare? I got one from the 1" below my throat to just above my bellybutton. That's 'bout a foot, depends on if I'm sucking in my gut or not ;). With my back surgery I got a new ones, one from the bellybutton down 2.5" and another on my back 2.5" up from the start of me rump. When at the beach ( a VERY rare time) I tell the ladies it was from stopping a fight.;) Sometimes it works :rolleyes: :D

Good Health and Rest Dude!
Forgot... You had pieces replaced. They just dug out chunks in my heart. Then toke out the verbrate; than put metal pieces in. I can say I'm cybernetic :D Kind of! :rolleyes:
Well... We both apparently have things still to do.
Good rest and health!:D