

Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2010
Well, I didn't want to get sidetrack again..... and should get back to the UX-1 or Mowe.... But, looking at Takeuchi's layout images, I just can't help but jump in and start building one too. Thanks again to Takeuchi for his super nice and clear layouts, really make it easier to building my Ghost. I just follow his lines in most parts. I am backdating the AIF-9V to AIF-7S Ghost as seen in Macross Frontiers. Got all the major parts roughed out, I will go back to refine each parts as needed. Roughed in the landing gears too. Can't find any drawings on the landing gears in my Variable Fighters Master File books, but I know in one episode of Macross Frontiers, Luce was programing one of the Ghost in the hanger. I don't recall it actually show the landing gears or not. So looks like I will have to go back to watch the whole series again. If I can't find it, I'm planning to use VF-25 landing gears as model. Still haven't decided on the scale yet, but I am thinking 1/32 scale, that's just a hair under 13" in length, but then, how big the VF-25 that I planning to build is going to be..... really big! :D Larger model = more details, easier build... maybe? Ok, I'll take a break... enjoy the holiday, get back to it again soon.


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To be totally honest, I really do not know that much about the whole Macross saga (except from what I vaguely remember from watching it as a kid), with that being said, this looks like it will be a FANTASTIC model when you aer finished.

I will be following this thread as well.
Of all animations, beside films from Studio Ghibli, Macross series is my top #1 the most favorite. That goes with toys and plastic models too.
I sure would be interested in knowing how you are building up all those faceted surfaces? The AIF-7S Ghost lines seem a little softer. I guess you could easily take care of that in assembly. I almost thought you switched to Pepakura for a moment! I wish you could write a tutorial for us mere mortals! :)

Remember Takeuchi's Ghost I built? Takeuchi's model was done in Pepakure so all surface is flat, and so the profile layout images of his model are edgy. And because I was using his layouts as bg templates to built my ghost from, when I was drawing lines from the bg, I basically copying his model for the most part. That's why I was able to get everything roughed in so quick. Following flat line is a lot easier then trying to duplicate curve. Again, specially Takeuchi's layouts are so clear. Everyone follow his layout can build just as quick or faster.

You know, after built couple models form Takeuchi, I learned to like flat edgy models. As a artist, I do appreciate that edgy style very much, and really help unfolding in Rhino a lot easier too. But that don't means I will be building all my models in hard edge from now on. Flat surface and corners don't always = flat edgy model anyway if one don't fold every dashed lines indicate on the surface. Looking at Takeuchi's models once again(it is sitting next to me, I'll always be looking at it :D). If I don't follow his wip pictures and folded every dashed lines, a lot of the flat edgy surfaces on the model would be rounded and curved right now, and I would have a whole new different looking models.

Tutorial? I am too easily get sidetracked do any tutorial. ....tutorial to sidetrack :)
Well, I am glad to hear that. That is my major grievance with Pepakura. People do ot learn how to "really" make a model, in the sense of something that can represent the original faithfully.

The front top engine nacelles are a classic example. The original drawing shows a far ore smooth organic line which Pepakura has problems with, but with Rhino, and any Non-uniform rational basis spline CAD program, it is the heart and soul of the program. The facets represent a step backwards, from a technological point of view. This was why the F-117 Stealth looked so different from the B-2.

Fun as always, watching you work, Allen! :)
Didn't do a whole lot, just relocated the sensor to port side where it should be and added a transmitter (as a option) to starboard. Only the leading Ghost have transmitter mounted, the other two Ghost don't have it. I also added intake on top side, something that I somehow forgot to do earlier. I am happy with this right now and think I will leave it alone for now and not unfold it yet. I got a lot of subjects in my head I want to build, so I planning to start building 3D models first as many as I can for my libraries or till I get exhausted building 3D models, then I will take one out at a time to unfold. Sound like a plan. :)


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That forward view is really awesome!! Have you tried unfolding any parts, then taking a small dowel an seeing if the part will line up if you round out the edge? In Rhino, you can put a radius tangent to the lines, then extrude the curves into a surface (join the lines before and it will be one piece0. The dowel will tell you what size the radius needs to be. You would be able to model it flat or with a curve option. Just thinking out loud. This model looks awesome edgy. :)
Allen is Tops when it comes to Rhino, and a whole lot more! I use Rhino too. It's a bit pricey, but well worth it. :)