Uss Card Escort Carrier Jsc


New Member
Dec 20, 2005
Dartmouth NS
Yup! about the TBF....the little fighter is a General Motors FM-2......a Grumman F4F built under license when their efforts were turned towards the F6F and F8F during the latter portion of the war. Nice job on the little birds!!!


New Member
Dec 20, 2005
Dartmouth NS
Yup! about the TBF....the little fighter is a General Motors FM-2......a Grumman F4F built under license when their efforts were turned towards the F6F and F8F during the latter portion of the war. Nice job on the little birds!!!


Great job man, your carrier looks absolutely fantastic and I loved the small planes it takes a lot of patience and care to be made :)
Muy buen trabajo, tu porta-aviones se ve absolutamente fantastico y me encantaron los aviones pequenos, se necesita mucha paciencia y cuidado para hacerlos :)


Great job man, your carrier looks absolutely fantastic and I loved the small planes it takes a lot of patience and care to be made :)
Muy buen trabajo, tu porta-aviones se ve absolutamente fantastico y me encantaron los aviones pequenos, se necesita mucha paciencia y cuidado para hacerlos :)


Great job! The work on the carrier is super and the tiny planes are the icing on the cake :)


Great job! The work on the carrier is super and the tiny planes are the icing on the cake :)


Mar 1, 2007
Cordoba - Spain
Commentaries in English and Spanish

Still I have left many aspects that to improve in my technique. I am thankful you criticize to my model and like improving finished his (tubes, patch of pieces…)
Todavia me quedan muchos aspectos que mejorar en mi técnica. Agradezco criticas a mi modelo y como mejorar su acabado (cañones, pegado de piezas...)

As it comments at the outset, the Shinano buys east model along with, that was really the one that it wanted. After finishing this I think that I am not prepared. Before mounting the Shinano I will construct the Zuiho, I have found it in Spain by 9 €.
Como comente al principio, compre este modelo junto con el Shinano, que era realmente el que quería. Despues de terminar este pienso que no estoy preparado. Antes de montar el Shinano construiré el Zuiho, lo he encontrado en España por 9 €.

I put photos of the Shinano so that it is compared as it is.
Pongo unas fotos del Shinano para que se compare como es.

View attachment 11128

View attachment 11129

I will take long time in beginning the Shinano. I must be but prepared so that their assembly is very good and I want it to do with the complete helmet. For it I think to buy a Yamato (possibly the one of Digital Navy) and to reescalar it. If somebody can be giving advice to me it would thank for it.

Tardaré mucho tiempo en comenzar el Shinano. Tengo que estar mas preparado para que su montaje sea muy bueno y lo quiero hacer con el casco completo. Para ello pienso comprar un Yamato (posiblemente el de Digital Navy) y reescalarlo. Si alguien me puede ir dando consejos se lo agradecería.

I do not want to tire with my commentaries. A greeting and thank you very much to all those that you give spirits me.

No quiero cansar con mis comentarios. Un saludo y muchas gracias a todos los que me dais animos.