Usr ux-1


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2010
This is bad guy submarine USR UX-1 from anime Submarine 707R. Been working on this model on and off for about six or seven months now, too much distraction in life. Been busy designing on several models, always busy doing something but not really getting anything done, so I am going to focus on just this right now, or at least till I got distracted with a new model idea again :) So far the shell is done but I'm sure I'll be making some change on that while designing the frame. I posed the UX-1 with the 1/200 scale 707R model I did some time ago for size com to help me picture how big the UX-1 is. As usual, the original model sheets and anime 3d models don't match up, but very close. I modeled mostly off the original model sheet drawings, but in general, I referenced the anime version, and in areas that are not clear to me I improvised. So, even with all the references from web or books, my model is still not completely accurate, just close enough.


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Hey Allen, nice looking sub!! Nice Render too! It's amazing how you reach the balance you do with your models. I do understand the distraction part all too well!! :)
I have always been intrigued and amazed by your work and some of the topics that you chose for your projects.
Unfortunately, I do not know anything about this particular anime. With that being said, I do have to say that the sub is quite interesting.
You have done an amazing job with the rendering. It looks like something that I would be interested in building once it is available (and I have the time to do so).
I am looking forward to seeing how this will turn out.
Keep up the GREAT work.
Got the hull skin all cleanup ready to unfold when I have time. The frame are well on their way, still rough tho, not ready to unfold yet. Still need to a little fixing mostly at the aft where the fins are. I'm sure the frame looks over kill, as usual. I'm just trying some new frame design, new way of doing things that's all. It still got long way from being done, long long way to go before I sleep. .......... second thought, I going to bed now. I'll deal with it again tomorrow.


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........... and a few more pic.


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That's a huge and impressive shark!!! :eek:
I mean, submarine!! :eek:
Deck done, more eye candy. Took longer then I thought would be, but I feel the need to redesign the ribs. Think I iron out the bugs. Forgot some detail on the hull fins, Get them done then I can start unfold everything.


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This is turning out to be a very interesting build.
I like how you are designing the rib formers for it as well.
You are doing an OUTSTANDING job on this model.
Did you do the deck with the "Surface Curve Network" command? It looks really nice. You really got the line projections right on the money! :)
Thanks, guys.

Haereticus, this the the main bad guy submarine from anime "Submarine 707R". The program is Rhino 3D.

John, I don't know what 90% of the time what I'm building things with and what they call, I just click some buttons and build them, LOL!
Been busy coming back from Taxes catching up with things and our 20th anniversary party and all, finally got to do the UX-1 test build. Still working on the # system. I don't know if my unconventional frame design made the # system complicated or what. Right now I'm #ing the parts by building sequence as I goes. I separated the hull frame to three section: bow, mid and aft. The pictures showing the completed bow section. It is very different form the traditional ship frame design and maybe even looks more complicated, but I do like to design my model to be a play toy not just a static display model so it need to able to take some handling, cause I do play with my toys. I'm not saying traditional frame design is not good, I'm not saying that at all. I just like to try to do the same thing differently and maybe, hopefully make it better alone the way. Any way, the bulkheads and the spars are not exactly dropped into place for the bow section, but once done, the reward is a very solid bow frame. I can almost drop kick it like a football..... maybe not. The mid frame should be much easier to put together. I'll try to get that done soon.


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Allen, first, and foremost to me, let me just express how I feel that frame work system you're are developing looks really strong. I imagine you will have extremely deep diving abilities, or in the very lest, if someone sit down on it, it will have a fighting chance!!!

Oh, Thanks for posting. Seeing how it's makes it easier for the "Forlorn, forgotten and hopeless, and abandoned and ejected, and lazy", keep up with what you are doing. Believe or it not, not everybody who is in this forum belongs to the other ones you may hang your spurs up at. Also knowing of your strong persona, backbone, your fearless use of your freedom and the courage to do as you please, the strength you have shown in the way you express yourself, the way unique way you distribute your models, making your intent clear, open and honest, even though others cry and squeal like little pigs, and get on their knees begging, with people in high places behind the scenes bad mouthing you in such undignified lowly manners, with that in mind, I can only say, WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!!! ..................Only kidding!tooth1goldtoth1:p :wave:

The model looks fantastic. You really think you need to run that through any other graphics programs? It looks fantastic to me. Looks ready to go! I hope someday to be able to make models to your ability. Thanks for the heads up! :)

Allen, you certainly have a unique way of designing. As you say: you make the same thing differently. And it really makes a good difference.

I had the pleasure and the honor to build your Savoia, and the inner structure was really strong. From your photos of the interior of this submarine I see you have followed more or less the same principle than you used in the interior of the Savoia. Those triangular long structures that are surrounded by the laminated bulkheads are a very effective way of getting the correct shape and at the same time having a lot of strength.

It may look strange at first, but the final result is definitely wonderful. That’s certainly a new and very good way of designing paper models. Looking at your process is nice, because we rarely witness the birth of a complex model like yours, and it gives the casual reader a good insight on how difficult can be all the designing work. Your work is also inspiring, taking our minds to other realms and making us consider different ways to make things.

Very nice indeed.


Allen, you certainly have a unique way of designing. As you say: you make the same thing differently. And it really makes a good difference............................................... ......................................................................................Very nice indeed.



No son como los otros donde parece que tiraron el nino y criaron la placenta!:p:twisted:

You could Google a translation, but the humor doesn't carry as well. Give it a try, broaden your horizons!:thumb::thumb:
you guys are too nice, thank you so much. i'm just trying to experimenting things to see what click.
"No son como los otros donde parece que tiraron el nino y criaron la placenta!"

> They are not like others where it seems that they pulled the child and raised the afterbirth!

The mid frame section. The mid section is divided into two parts. If I kept the mid frame in one piece it will be too cumbersome to build. The mid frame goes together exactly as the bow frame, biggest bulkhead at the end goes first then work it way in to the smallest bulkhead. Al goes together just a little easier then the bow, don't have to push, pull and shove all the bulkheads in as much.

The bulkheads spacer, top, port, lower and starboard got too much surface contact area to the center spars that they don't really need, so I cut out about 1" off each end and I will have to go back to the 3d model and fix that too. other thing, I got eight side of spacer between each bulkhead right now, I thinking that may not be enough to support the skin form concaving. I thinking I may need to double the spacers, but I will wait until the beta is done to see if I really need to. And, I was thinking maybe I should add glue tabs to each end of the spacer too to help make the contact to the bulkhead stronger.

So...... I joined the bow and the front part of the mid frame together. Look at the size of that thing sitting on my 17" laptop, and it is just one half of the frame, the other end is a little longer. I like big models


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"No son como los otros donde parece que tiraron el nino y criaron la placenta!"

> They are not like others where it seems that they pulled the child and raised the afterbirth!


It's an old Spanish expression. When you see a creepy looking baby, and the other mothers say, "It looks like they threw away the kid, and raised the placenta!".

That is in reference to some models, where people show a model that they didn't put a lot into but seem to want the praise never the less. The exact opposite of what you build or what you do. :)