Tyson & Sumpter250...You've Got Me Thinking About Expanding


Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
The pictures that Tyson Rayles, & Sumpter250 have been posting have gotten me to consider expanding my little N scale empire.
I've included a picture of the layout as it is right now, so I can kind of explain what I'm considering.
This layout is basically built inside of a box, with a "window" through which to view it.
At this stage you can see a ho;e in the rear left for trains to enter, & exit the scene. Originally, I was planning to have a simple unscenicked plywood shelf, beyond this opening, on which I could stage trains.
Now I'm thinking, in addition to the staging area...beyond it to the left...I could construct another "box", linked by rail to this one. On the new one though, I'd like to have a more rural theme.
While the dimentions would be roughly the same, the scenic treatment would be very different. I'd like to have a river crossing as the focal point, with lots of trees & hills. The track plan would be very simple, a single track main, a runaround track, Maybe an interchange, & maybe a single spur leading to some type of rural industry, like a feed mill. I might even have room to portray a small farm, or maybe a couple of houses along a country road.
Because it would be scenicaly isolated from the other, more industrial "box", it could realistically represent an area many miles away, rather than a few feet.
Anyway, this is still in the "pipe dream" phase. It's just that I've been inspired by these other guys modeling all the trees, water, & countryside, & it's got me fired up wanting to try some of that.
I welcome any, & all opinions.


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It sounds like a great idea, Charlie! You can add additional scenes as you like. And it might make construction more interesting (and keep your interest), since each box can be radically different from the others. Some other ideas for future scenes might be: deep forest, plains, mountains, mining complex, quarry, large factory complex, small town, and a port.

Hmmmm.... You've got me thinking of my next project...

Just two words - grain elevator. Growing up on the prairies, they were everywhere. Course, I guess that depends whether you're modeling the prairies or not. I couldn't have a layout without one (I currently have three planned for my final layout).
Charlie ,you get started yet? Whats the hold up?I like that Grain elevator idea. I'm not modeling prairie either but gots to have one somewhere.:D
Hmmm...grain elevator...Oh! You mean an "Iowa Skyscraper"! :D
In the little town where I lived in central Ky. there was a place called the Southern States feed mill. (Tyson may know what I'm talking about here)
It's primary business was in milled grain used for animal feed, & there was a small elevator, & a couple of silos on the premises. But the real beauty of this place for me (we're talking about memories of an 8 year old kid) was the general supply warehouse, which was a beehive of activity. with a trackside loading dock, & usually surrounded by a variety of pick-up trucks, tractors, & wagons.
Farmers could find anything here, from tractor parts, to laundry soap. Not to mention endless debates on topics like baseball, & the weather.
A trip to the Southern States meant that this kid would be treated to such heavenly delecacies as RC Cola, & Moon Pies, & still have change left from a quarter! (Tyson, can you remember any of this?)
Yeah, I think the Southern States may have to find a place on my layout...thanks for dredging up thoise memories, guys!
Darn, you just keep coming up with dynamite ideas!

:cool:Charlie your idea of a second box with a totally different theme is a great idea. If you are going With the Kentucky/mnt. theme a couple of industries that don't require a lot of space are truck coal loaders, pulpwood yards and team tracks to name a few. Small industries such as those would leave lots of room for scenery. We have a feed & fertilizer co. in the next town and I will have one on the layout. Sad to say but now that is about all you will get there, but yes I remember in years past these places where the biggest social gethering spot for miles around.But like you say the key here is it ain't no Iowa Skyscaper, but like you said a small elevator and several silos. For the record I still like RC more than Coke or Pepsi (remember pouring a bag of salted peanuts into the bottle before drinking it?), and I still eat a Moon Pie (prefer banana) every now and then. If that second box comes out as good as the first one is coming along it will be a real treat. Hmmmmm, sounds like you might have a place for those Model Power houses my friend! :D
You hit the nail on the head, my friend! Those houses I've had sitting around, & your tobacco farm were what really got the wheels turning for me!
Hey, you've given me another idea...
How about including in my modeling, in various places, ads for RC, Planter's , & Moon Pies?
Oh well, we'll see what happens!
Thanks to you & everyone else for their input!
I like having some feedback on my brainstorms!
I've spent some time doodling track plans today, & here's kinda what I had in mind for the extension I started this thread with...
The drawings aren't exactly to scale...they are both roughly 1x5 ft, with about a 20" removable section between them...


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Actually, Tyson, I hadn't given it much thought...
In reality, if I am looking at the wall the layout is hanging on, I'm looking east...
Does that sound OK?
I'd love to hook up with the NM...since we both free-lance, there's no reason that "east" can't become "west", & no reason the K&I couldn't establish a route into N.C.
I believe I remember you mentioning that you interchanged with the L&N...where does that occur? Perhaps we could use the L&N as a bridge between our two lines...
Where exactly is White Oak?
Charlie I have a system map posted at NARA. White Oak is 12 miles west of Tellico Gap, but the L & N interchanges with the NM at Tellico Gap so we can use it as our personal bridge route! :D Being as you have a chemical company that probably produces stippers and adhesives my furinture company can use and I have a pallet company your industries can use would you be interested in exchanging a boxcar load of each (as soon as I can paint up a NM boxcar)?
Sure thing, Tyson!
I guess an LCL load of chemicals could come to your factory in a boxcar, or you could have bigger loads shipped in EVM Corp. tank cars. (this is the 1960's & a lot of tank cars are still privately owned)
Also, the L&N has trackage rights on the K&I, so we might be seeing some interesting combinations of motive power up here in the Ohio Valley! :)
Hey Tyson,
I just looked at your map, & the solution is very simple!
Those L&N trains go straight north from Knoxville on the KA, &KY divisions to DeCoursey (Covington, Ky) which is an interchange point with the K&I! kewel! :cool:
Charlie in my revised history the Southern built this branch in the late 30's so the tunnel clearances and curves are tight is it was mostly a logging branch then. In other words rolling stock has to be 55 ft. or less (and no hi-cubes or autoracks) to clear on my rails, being your time frame is the 60's (mine is early 70's) I don't think this is problem. The NM has just purchased a 40 ft. boxcar cheap from the Western Maryland. As soon as the boys can get her repainted for the NM and loaded with pallets I'll let you know.:cool:
Sounds good, Tyson!
I'm aware of the Sou Ry's clearances...the division going south from Danville Ky, was nicknamed the "Rathole Div." for that very reason! It was said that they were so close, that some locomotives had their rear-view mirrors, & sunshades sheared off!
The K&I circa 1960 doesn't run any modern equipment...In fact, most of the rolling stock dates back well into the steam era.

While your shop crews get busy on a boxcar, mine have got their work cut out for them on the tankers.

As far as your factory goes, I've always thought a storage tank or two improves the look of any industry...they're handy things to have!