To be somewhat Enterprising....

Thanks for the kind words everyone! Let's just say when you build you know where the flaws and errors are, hence my frustration with the build. I'm not completely happy with the way the B came out, but I genuinely can't think I can improve the kit. There is another enterprise B kit knocking around but it looks like it's been hand-drawn or freehand in paint. I don't like that look, so that kit is out

Moving onto the C. A similar challenge awaits, no supports and no instructions. On examining the kit it looks like the C has a horizontal "wing" similar to Voyager for the warp pylons and shuttle bay, just with vertical arms that will need to be attached.

So, off we go with the saucer! :) (seeing that it gave me so many issues with the B)
That was a great episode indeed. I remember the first reports on it in the news saying two crews of the "Enterprise" would meet in the upcoming season. They in fact wrote "old Enterprise" and not "older" or "predecessing", so I was watching it under the false premise that Picard would meet Kirk in that episode. I was a bit confused when I saw that it was a one-hour-show. I expected it to be at least a two-parter to celebrate such a historic encounter. However, right after the teaser I understood there was an Enterprise "C" around nobody had ever heard about before... :noteeth:
Season 3 was the season that really launched TNG to the heavens. New and more realistic costumes, breath-taking visual effects, everyone has gotten comfortable within his / her role, the stories were new and exciting, and there was:


the BEST episode of a TV show E-V-E-R. I watched TNG mostly because there was no other scifi stuff available at the time. But THIS episode made me an instant fan. :)
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We in Germany did not have to wait several months for the conclusion because they showed one ep a day and continued with season 4 right on the next day (we are always a bit behind ;) ). After watching part 1 I went shopping with my mom. I will never forget that afternoon when I was trying to figure out how Picard could be solved. I had absolutely no idea how that would be possible. Oh boy. That ep left such a HUGE imprint on my soul. However, I was a bit bummed that we did not see much of the battle at Wolf 359 in part 2. Fortunately DS9 filled that void more than satisfactorily. :)

The way they continued Tasha's story later was as surprising as it was mind-blowing. It proved that the events in "Yesterday's Enterprise" were not erased but dealt with in a "Back to the Future" like way. The story provides a lot of material for long essays on science and multiple universes and such. ;)
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