Tight-wad tip #803


Active Member
Aug 15, 2002
Cobblers Knob, IN
I believe this week, Menard's stroes have gel type crazy glue (CA) free after mail in menards rebate. Menards rebates are good towards purchases at menards, so you can use them to buy future free stuff at Menards. Or save them up and buy the materials to build a house. I think this is a Midwest only chain, maybe just Indiana and neighboring states.
Good tip, but not very cost effective for me. Travel costs from Arizona would eat up any savings in a hurry,:p then going back to cash in the rebates.:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Thanks, but I think I'll pass this time:D :D :D :D

D:cool: N
Thanks for the tip Jon! Menards is only two miles away from me here in the Twin Cities of MN. "You'll save big money, save big money, when you shop Menards!" Cha-cha-cha! :) The down side of shopping there is they play that dang jingle over the intercom and I can't get it out of my head for days! :D


Imagine the frequent flyer miles you could build along with the new collection of photos? There's nuthin' like sayin', "Dear, we're gonna see America and we're starting with the midwest just to find the glue that holds all the pieces together"!

Re: Perspective!

Originally posted by MCL_RDG

Imagine the frequent flyer miles you could build along with the new collection of photos? There's nuthin' like sayin', "Dear, we're gonna see America and we're starting with the midwest just to find the glue that holds all the pieces together"!

Scheeze, I have trouble getting her to go the the LHS (50 miles) or the Home Depot (35 miles) with me.

Me, "Dear, would you like to go shopping with me, there's a sale on glue? I'll drop you off at Wal-Mart on the way." (uh, this manuver usually gets expensive)

Wife, "OK let's go"

Me, "Uh, gotta pack a few changes of clothes first......":eek: :eek:

Originally posted by Ralph
Thanks for the tip Jon! Menards is only two miles away from me here in the Twin Cities of MN. "You'll save big money, save big money, when you shop Menards!" Cha-cha-cha! :) The down side of shopping there is they play that dang jingle over the intercom and I can't get it out of my head for days! :D

I can relate, I'm about 1/2 mile from one, and they play it on the outdoor loudspeaker. Can't really quite hear it but it get in subliminally and I hear it all summer! It took me a coupla years of living here before I realized that's why I always hear the !@#$ed song in my head. I thought I just liked it too much :D :D :D