things to remember about sidings


Active Member
Jun 24, 2006
milton iowa
know matter how long you think you need, DOUBLE IT!... i am not taking up glued down track to make it longer, and im turning it into a block to park trains on it. and adding remote switch machines to the 2 switches.
no way to conect the switch machine i got , to the track. no screws, or back plates. , after i got home , the new switch machines says replacment, you use the old plates and screws from the old machine i guess.
The link was to Atlas Custom Line switches. I suspect you bought a machine for a snap switch. The snap switches are set up to mount a machine on to of the switch right next to the throw bar, but Custom Line needs an under table machine or a manual ground throw.

What did you put your track down with? Why do you have to take it all up to make it longer. Can't you just remove any bumper you've installed and extend the siding?
Russ Bellinis said:
The link was to Atlas Custom Line switches. I suspect you bought a machine for a snap switch. The snap switches are set up to mount a machine on to of the switch right next to the throw bar, but Custom Line needs an under table machine or a manual ground throw.

What did you put your track down with? Why do you have to take it all up to make it longer. Can't you just remove any bumper you've installed and extend the siding?

its a siding, not a dead end. i will pull a train onto it where the depot is (or will be) unload/load then pull on out back to the mainline out the other end. i have it set up to park a train there while i move one around the main line to.
looks like i will just have to buy new switches with the remote already there, thats what i wanted to do anyway buy my LHS was out of them.
I think in this case, Russ is right. You have indeed bought the wrong switch machine.

BUT - if it is like the HO parts, you can use it by inverting it and installing on the underside of the turnout, or by simply fastening it to the benchwork and running a brass wire to the throw bar of the turnout.

If however, they are still in new condition, you should be able to exchange them at the store.

MasonJar said:
I think in this case, Russ is right. You have indeed bought the wrong switch machine.

BUT - if it is like the HO parts, you can use it by inverting it and installing on the underside of the turnout, or by simply fastening it to the benchwork and running a brass wire to the throw bar of the turnout.

If however, they are still in new condition, you should be able to exchange them at the store.


i opened one, the other is unpoened, at almost 9.00 a pop, ill be taking the unopened one back next time i go, or save in for if/when one of my others on the layout go bad i guess